On the Edge

Dear Friends, Family, and Fans;

The past decade has been a confusing and scary one for me. I have a very definite sense of justice and I’m often confused when others don’t. The fact that people like Rowling, Trump, or Woody Allen can still have successful careers is baffling to me.

It’s a source of great stress, especially when I see people defending hate. Two years ago when the convoy debacle happened, I got into an argument with a family member. They believed that the convoy was fighting for righteous reasons. I disagreed but could accept that. When I pointed out that two of the organizers had ties to hate groups, they said it didn’t matter because they were fighting for their right to not wear a mask. I still can’t understand that position.

How can you ignore, or forgive, the hateful part of someone just because you agree with something they are doing or saying?

The whole concept has me on edge. Every day in the news, there’s a new, hate-filled event and it’s exhausting and nerve-wracking.

More than ever, I feel like the world is on the edge of something truly terrible happening. I worry that I’ll be looking back at this time and thinking it was the good old days. “Remember when we could afford to drink coffee and we could chat with people around the world?”

I’m trying my best to take joy wherever I can, but it feels selfish and like I’m ignoring the world.

I wish I could do more than just avoiding supporting the cruel and speaking out. I wish I could do something bigger. Unfortunately, that attitude isn’t helpful. If everyone does small acts of kindness, we can start to make a difference. Individual snowflakes are powerless but when they get together they can paralyze a city.

Do what you can, I’ll do what I can, and together we can hopefully start an avalanche of kindness to combat all the hate.

Also… VOTE!

Vote like your life depends on it, because it’s becoming clear that the US is a warning, not an aberration.

There are good people out there and we need to remember that there is still hope.

Take care of each other!

Stay safe and be kind,


The Princess Switch 3: Romancing the Star  – JenEric Movie Review

How This Works – Read Other Reviews

Hello Cinephiles,

Today we’re talking about the 2021 film The Princess Switch 3: Romancing the Star.


Taking a completely different approach from the previous movies and making this one a heist movie was a great idea. It made the whole thing feel fresh without losing the Christmassy and romance vibes.

Score: 1


The new love interest for the third look-alike is nuanced and the history between them feels real. There’s a lot of slapstick with the minions and I felt like we didn’t see enough of the original look-alikes.

Score: 0.5


Some excellent double meanings and wonderful quips.

Score: 1

Visuals and Music

Like the first two, filming on location made the whole thing pop and feel more three dimensional than a traditional Christmas movie. The little amount of CG was well done.

The music was catchy and fun.

Score: 1


I love heist movies, as does the entire family, and this didn’t disappoint. It had all the right pieces to meld the romance, holiday, and heist drama.

Score: 1


Now with a heist, this movie once again shows how good an actor Vanessa Hudgens is, while bringing in new elements and keeping the franchise fresh. If you liked the first two, you’ll love this one.

Final Score: 4.5 Stars out of 5

The return of Everdome and Parasomnia

Hello Friends, Family, and Fans;

Before being published, I thought books lasted forever. Afterall, I can still go out and by a copy of Oliver Twist, The Scarlet Pimpernel, or Pride and Prejudice.

Unfortunately, the average lifespan of a book is 5-10 years. Most books don’t sell more than 500 copies in their entire life.

Two of my novels, Everdome and Parasomnia, haven’t been performing that well, and I’ve decided to buy the rights back from the publisher. They did a great job with the books, but it’s time I try to get them in more readers hands.

What happens now?

Once the rights and files have been completely returned to me, I will republish them with some minor changes. I’m calling this a “Second Printing”.

Part of the buying of rights back was also buying out Renaissances stock. I’m going be selling those at cons and on our website. In a few months, I’ll do a full update, maybe add a short story to the back, and re-release them. Everdome will be getting a new cover to make it match more with Winging It, which partially takes place in the world.

This is new and exciting, but also kinda terrifying.

More news to come. Thank you for reading.


Winging It by Jen Desmarais is available June 3rd, 2025!
Cover Art by Pinkpiggy93
49th Shelf Crushing It
Indigo Books Crushing It
Archambault Crushing It
Amazon Crushing It
Rakuten Kobo Crushing It
Apple Books Crushing It

That annoying itch

Hello my Friends, Family, and Fans;

It’s been a wild few weeks. Lots of good news, like my book coming out in June, and more to come. Stay tuned.

Since early January, I’ve been listening/reading the first four Elizabeth books in preparation for writing the fifth and sixth. It’s fascinating to see what I did and how the characters grow. There’s a lot of threads and stories that I’d forgotten and have written down to tie up.

I’m also really enjoying the books; they’re a lot of fun, and I’m surprised at my own wording and stories. It’s nice to remember enough to be proud of what I’ve written. It’s hard sometimes to sell your own books because it’s hard not to be hyper critical. At least, it is for me.

Unfortunately, when I don’t have a current writing project, I feel uncomfortable. It’s like an itch that I can’t get rid of in any other way. I’m feeling that big time. I’ve written a lot of loose plot points and story ideas but I just can’t wait to get that sweet sweet writing dopamine. It’s like a runner’s high but when you’ve had a good writing session.

The Mystery of the Dancing Lights by Éric Desmarais is available now!
Physical from Canadian indie bookstores, physical from Indigo, electronic version

Hopefully, I’ll get to it by the end of the month and get some words down.

Stay safe and be kind,


Shadowbox Ornament: Winging It

I got the idea to make shadowbox out of the cover image of our books, and I thought it would be fun for you to have access as well!

Also – first promo for Winging It!

Paper (or cardstock)
Colour printer
Exacto knife
Cutting board
Tape (or glue)


  1. Print the template provided (PDF download above)
  2. Cut out the pieces using scissors
  3. Cut out the greyed out background with the Exacto knife
  4. Tape (or glue) the parts together.

Winging It by Jen Desmarais is available June 3rd, 2025!
Cover Art by Pinkpiggy93
49th Shelf Crushing It
Indigo Books Crushing It
Archambault Crushing It
Amazon Crushing It
Rakuten Kobo Crushing It
Apple Books Crushing It

The Princess Switch: Switched Again – JenEric Movie Review

How This Works – Read Other Reviews

Hello Cinephiles,

Today we’re talking about the 2020 film The Princess Switch: Switched Again.


Adding the third look-alike added a few interesting possibilities and it was well done. It thankfully didn’t get as dark as it could have and kept that light, angst free, Christmas feel.

Score: 0.5


Again all the characters are loveable, even the villains. Hudgens does a spectacular job at making us forget she’s playing 3 roles.

Score: 1


Lots of playing around with the three look-alikes and some adorable lines from the love interests. The scenes between the prince and the kid are some of my favourites.

Score: 0.5

Visuals and Music

Filming on location really pays off in this one. Scotland looks magical and the architecture seems to just fit perfectly.

The music was nice but forgettable.

Score: 0.5


Everyone enjoyed this one but it had a higher angst level and will be more fun in re-watching. The whole family liked it.

Score: 1


A great idea for a sequel with some nice twists but it isn’t quite as good as the original.

Final Score: 3.5 Stars out of 5

The Copper Tarnish cover reveal

Hello Readers!

As you might have heard on social media, River City Siren Press has agreed to publish my next book. The Copper Tarnish is a Sci-Fantasy inspired by classic monster movies and my own experiences growing up queer in a small town.

Until last summer, I was the most popular girl in school. Then I was accused of killing my boyfriend when he disappeared. Luckily, he didn’t die, but he wasn’t the same when he came back. Murder accusations are nothing compared to the rumours that I kissed said boyfriend’s sister. That rumor proved to be the real killer for my popularity.

Now everyone hates me except the gorgeous new girl who seems determined to ruin any chances of being popular by hanging out with me. There’s also a cute soldier hanging around my mom’s diner and freaky sounds in the woods.

Autumn definitely won’t be dull. All I need to do is graduate…and stay alive.

I’m realy proud of this book and it’s cover. It’s going to be released June 3rd and I can’t wait to have you read it.

Stay safe and be kind,
