Hypothetical trips. If you wish to book anything that is posted on this page, please contact Jennifer, who is a travel consultant with Orleans Travel. jennifer.desmarais@orleanstravel.ca
We’ll be changing things up on the JenEric Designs blog for 2020, starting next week.
Monday/Friday will be Éric’s blog time.
Tuesday/Thursday will be Travelling TARDIS pictures (Paris/Cosplay continuing).
Wednesday will be something special that we’ll announce later. I will still occasionally post Fandom Travel and Blush posts, but not on a consistent schedule.
Happy New Year from our family to yours! I hope 2020 is the best year yet!
If you love Winnie the Pooh, you’re going to want to visit Toronto this spring or summer.
From March 7 to August 3, 2020, the Royal Ontario Museum is going to be hosting Winnie-the-Pooh: Exploring a Classic, with immersive and interactive activities for all ages.
Toronto is the only Canadian city that the exhibit will be visiting, so make your plans to visit now!
You can contact Jennifer Desmarais through Orleans Travel. jennifer.desmarais@orleanstravel.ca
We’re going to depart from the standard “fandom” article today because I’m tired and this is relevant to my life.
Last week, I drove with Pegasus to Kitchener from Ottawa. Granted, there was another adult (my dad) with me on the way to Toronto, but we were by ourselves for the entire return trip.
Recommendations for travelling with a four month old:
hope that the infant sleeps well for long periods of time in a moving vehicle
feed baby and change baby right before you leave (in our case, Pegasus usually has 2-3 giant poops right after waking up in the morning. I didn’t leave the house until after these were done)
wait until baby is drowsy before leaving
bring more diapers than you think you’ll need
wipes, too
ask in advance if you have access to a washer and dryer at the other end of your trip; if not, bring 2x as many clothes for both of you than you think you’ll need (I did have access, thankfully!)
bring a change mat that wipes clean, not a cloth one
Things that I did that worked when driving solo:
got gas when arriving at the onroutes – baby was still sleeping and didn’t get upset at the prolonged wait for food/change/removal from car seat (if he’d been awake, I would have gotten it afterwards)
changed baby immediately after arriving – and used the toilet myself because I knew I’d forget otherwise
got food for myself right after that – meant that I didn’t have to spread stuff out to feed him, pack it all up to get food for myself, and then spread it all out again
found a comfy chair (thank you Port Hope onroute for having comfy chairs!!) and spread my stuff out, fed baby right away
changed baby on my lap because packing up stuff seemed like way too much work
fed myself while baby played with a toy (chairs are big enough to squeeze baby beside myself!)
fed baby again
changed baby again
baby was getting drowsy so I left right away
plan for multiple stops every 2/2.5 hours and hope you don’t need stops in between (I had to make an extra stop at the Mallorytown onroute because Pegasus had a nightmare and woke up – thankfully it was before the onroute; there is nowhere to stop after that other than on the side of the road, and I didn’t want to do that in the dark)
do not stop for yourself unless you absolutely have to – taking the baby out of the car means that you have to feed and change them and let them play for a bit before getting back in the car – it extends any trip by at least an hour for every stop you make
You can contact Jennifer Desmarais through Orleans Travel. jennifer.desmarais@orleanstravel.ca
We recently introduced the classic Disney movie Hocus Pocus to our 3yo Dragon. She loved it. Obviously.
But it got me thinking…why haven’t I written a post about visiting the sets of Hocus Pocus yet?
Most of the movie was set on a sound stage (kinda hard to rig a flying witch in the real world, I guess!) but the outdoor, daytime sets were in Salem and Marblehead, Massachusetts.
Image of Max’s house in Hocus Pocus. Image from boston.com
With the 25th Anniversary of Hocus Pocus last year, the cities saw an up-tick of Halloween tourists, happy to see the outsides (and some insides) of buildings that made up part of their favourite Halloween movie.
Even better, to my mind, is that these people aren’t hidden away in a green room – they walk the floor with the other attendees, go to panels to broaden their knowledge base just like everyone else, and are generally available for geeking out with.
This year, Can-Con is hosting the Aurora Awards, so the convention will be teaming with nominees and past winners. Our very own Éric Desmarais is one of the nominees!
Oh, and me too, I guess, for the Travelling TARDIS blog. I don’t expect to win, though, because the people I’m up against are incredible.
The vendors room is open to the public, (We have a table if you need coffee or crochet) but the convention itself is sold out for 2019.
You can contact Jennifer Desmarais through Orleans Travel. jennifer.desmarais@orleanstravel.ca
However, Vimmerby, Sweden is exactly where you’ll find this replica of the author’s drawing of Pippi’s house, complete with lopsided shutters and balcony railing.
Astrid Lindgren’s World is a theme park open in the summer (May to August) dedicated to the stories by the author. Pippi’s house, Villa Vallekulla, is the star attraction.
You can contact Jennifer Desmarais through Orleans Travel. jennifer.desmarais@orleanstravel.ca
As I’m not familiar with this show, I’m going to link you to an article that has more information than I know what to do with. You can find the Narcity article here.
Interested in doing an Umbrella Academy tour while visiting Toronto?
You can contact Jennifer Desmarais through Orleans Travel. jennifer.desmarais@orleanstravel.ca
Do you want to visit The Shire, but New Zealand is too far for you to travel? Do you love the idea of travelling to Ireland, and love Lord of the Rings? (I fall into these categories)
Then you’re going to want to visit Killarney in the Kingdom of Kerry, and stay (or simply eat) at The Shire.