I resolutely attempted to resolve my Resolutions

Hello My Imaginary Friends,

Last year I made a series of resolutions for 2015. This is my end of the year review to see if I came anywhere near finishing them.

I may have gotten a little overly ambitious…

Taken from LIVEdigitally

My beginning of the year resolutions

I will Write 500+ words a day and complete 1 novel

Between blog posts, short stories, FADDS, and the Serial Story; I have certainly written at least 500 words a day. [PASS]

I haven’t finished Everdome unfortunately. As much as I wish I could. I’m only on Chapter 24 of 32. I’m roughly 20,000 words short… Hopefully I can finish it quickly in the new year. [FAIL]

I will continue to read regularly and attempt to read 30 or so books

According to Goodreads I’m currently reading my 31st book of the year. It’s been an extra challenging year for reading since I’ve been reading the first in over 35 series. There have been some amazing books and some horrible ones. [PASS]

I will ensure there is 5 days a week of content on JenEric-Designs.ca

We have been steadily updating content every week day this entire year. With the new addition of the Blush and Fandom Travel articles by my wonderful wife and the pictures of the travelling TARDIS we have more than enough content. I’m even considering adding an extra day. [PASS]

I will submit Parasomnia to at least 3 publishers and 3 agents

I have submitted Parasomnia to 1 agent (No reply) and 3 Publishers. One of the Publishers has said it isn’t for them but they’ll read it and the other two have promised word by February.

This is probably the best thing I’ve ever written and I hope it finds a publisher willing to take it one.

I’m going to give myself a pass on this one. Publishing takes time and it was a lack of it that meant I submitted to publishers first and not agents. [PASS]

I will start a web-show and update regularly

Once again this is a fail… I really want to and I have all the equipment but I’m having trouble finding the time. [FAIL]

I will write a serialized story that I will update every month (Wattpad maybe?)

I went a little overboard with this one. Only Human was updated once a month except for November and December where I wrote 2-3.

The final Instalment updates this Thursday. [PASS]

My mid-year resolutions

I wasn’t satisfied failing my start of the year resolutions so I wrote up some extra ones in June.

Re-Submit A Study in Aether

After 2 years of beta-readers and editing. I finally resubmitted it to the publisher that wanted it. I feel like there’s still a lot of work to do on the book but I still love the characters.

I’ve been planning out, “The Hounds of Baker-ville” Which will see what our heroes are doing for their summer break. [PASS]

Re-Design and keep updating Website

I’ve been making minor changes to the website but it needs a full upgrade and I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Sorry. [FAIL]

Short Stories

This was a resolution to write, A Funny thing Happened on the Way to my Funeral and hopefully write a few more short stories that were kicking around in my head. I succeeded in the primary and wrote on extra short story. [PASS]


I still like the idea of writing this disaster novel but I won’t get to plotting it this year. I may make it my novel for 2016. [FAIL]

How’d I do?

Overall I passed 6.5 out of 10. That’s 4.5 of 6 for the Year and 2 of 4 for the midyear.

It’s not a fun percentage but I’m extremely proud of the things I’ve done this year. They were ambitious and ridiculously many and I managed to accomplish a lot more than I expected.

Go me! Now to work on 2016’s resolutions.


Thanks for following and I hope your resolutions have gone just as well or better than mine.


Sharing is awesome!

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