Hello my Imaginary Friends,
Tomorrow is tue first day of CAN-CON: Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature!
It’s a great weekend for anyone who is a fan or writer of genre books.
What’s Awesome about Can-Con
This convention is special for its sense of community. Some of the attendees will be hopeful authors, others will be publishers, and there will be multiple award winning giants of science-fiction and fantasy. All with an atmosphere of love for speculative fiction.
It feels like a family reunion. I feel welcomed and accepted.
I unfortunately also invariably say something stupid. Mostly its small things like when I told Matt Moore (One of Ottawa’s master horror writers) I liked his reading when he’d only been the MC.
Then there was the time I told Tanya Huff (The legendary Fantasy author) and Linda Poitevin (The amazing Urban Noir and Romance author) that I preferred writing female protagonists because women are simpler to write. *Facepalm* *Blush* *Dies of embarrassment* What I meant was that I tend to understand women better than I understand men which makes it easier for me… sigh
Hopefully everyone I say something stupid to will forgive me after getting a hearty laugh from my crimson painted face.
Speaking of the possibility for embarrassment… One of my new year’s resolutions was to submit Parasomnia to 3 agents and 3 publishing companies. I’m getting the 3 publishing companies taken care of at Can-Con. Effectively I’ll have 5-15 minutes to sell them on the concept of my book. If they’re interested they’ll take either the whole book for review or the first few chapters.
My like of what I’ve written goes up and down. Mid way through Parasomnia I hated it. When I was done I knew it was the best thing I’d ever written. When I edited it I was convinced it was crap.
I just looked over all the comments from my amazing (Seriously you guys rock) beta-readers to make sure I’m not delusional to think this book should be published. They all seemed to enjoy it. They used words like “Enjoyed” and phrases like, “kept me interested” YAY!
I’m pitching to two publishers I respect a lot and one I’ve only vaguely heard of and I’m sitting here trying not to panic.
Dealers Room
Last but not least the Dealers Room will be filled with amazing authors, publishers, and bookstores. JenEric Designs will be there, with a brand new button and more coffee than even I could drink in a weekend.
This will be your last chance to get the Great Pumpkin (Pumpkin Flavoured) coffee at a convention until next fall.
The vendors room is FREE so even if you’re not at the Con feel free to drop by the Sheraton downtown Ottawa (150 Albert St) and say hi.
Hope to see you there!
See you there!