Come say hello at Can-Con 2024

Hello Readers!

This weekend is the wonderful Can-Con: Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature.

Jen and I will be in the vendors room (FREE to the public, masks are optional) most of the time, selling awesome coffee and crochet.

Here are the vendor’s room hours

  • Friday 5-8
  • Saturday 10-6
  • Sunday 10-4

Jen will be on the “”The Pros of Being a Ghost (writer)” panel on Saturday morning (Nov 2nd) from 10:00-10:50.

Éric will be at the booth and chatting with people.

Hope to see you there!


See you at Can-Con 2023

Hello Readers!

This weekend is the wonderful Can-Con: Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature.

Jen and I will be in the vendors room (FREE to the public, masks are required) most of the time, selling awesome coffee and crochet.

Here are the vendor’s room hours

  • Friday 5-8
  • Saturday 10-6
  • Sunday 10-4

Jen and I both have signings in the vendors room on Saturday the 14th:

  • Jen is at 10:30-11:00
  • I’m at 3:00-3:30

And come see us at the Renaissance Party 1-4pm in room 1703! We won’t be there all the time, but we’ll be popping in sporadically.

Hope to see you there!


Quick Can-Con Report 2022

Hello Readers,

Jen and I were at Can-Con 2022 this weekend in downtown Ottawa. It was wonderful to see all those that could make it, and simultaneously felt like nothing had changed in two and a half years and like everything was a little off. That was probably because of the amount of wonderful people that were missing, either due to COVID or other circumstances.

However, we had a lot of fun and chatted with a lot of people. Jen had her first reading and her first pitch, both of which she handled admirably. No seriously, I think her part of the reading was way better than mine. Definitely better than my first readings.

We signed lots of books, and bought probably more.

It was a good time thanks to everyone who interacted with us.

Another big milestone; it was Dragon’s first event since lockdown. We felt comfortable bringing her since it was vaccine madnatory and masked at all times. She, somehow, remembered her Con manners and everybody loved her. She dialed up the cute to a near-painful level. It was great to see her being social and excited and just having fun with other people. She would walk around the vendor’s room by herself and come bouncing back to tell us about the random words she’d read on various book covers.

Dragon following and hiding from Derek Künsken, co-chair of Can-Con. This is a game the two of them have been playing for years and I’m not sure how she remembered it, but it was highly entertaining to watch. Hopefully Derek also thought so!

A lot of other things happened that I’m sure I’m forgetting right now. The big takeaway was that it was a wonderful convention with great people and one of the few times out of the house that I felt safe.

Thank you to everyone who was there, who bought, who volunteered and organized, and entertained Dragon. To those who couldn’t make it, I hope to see you next year.

Stay safe and be kind,


JenEric Can-Con Schedule

Hello Readers!

This weekend is the wonderful Can-Con: Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature.

Jen and I will be in the vendors room most of the time.

Here are the vendor’s room hours

  • Friday 5-8
  • Saturday 10-6
  • Sunday 10-4

I have a signing (in the vendors room) from 12-12:30 with awesome John Hass. (Although I’ll sign at any time you catch me.)

Jen has a reading at 1 on Sunday (In Salon D) with the wonderful Madona Skaff. (I’ll be there too and might read if Jen insists.)

Beyond that, I participated in the Digital version of the Con. I prerecorded a panel that will be at 2:30 on Saturday. The panel is called The Horror of Time Loops. I was on it with Gigi Ganguly and Ren Hutchings, both of whom were excellent panelists. Our moderator was Sean Dowie, who did an excellent job.

I’ll try to be in the discord during and after the panel.

Hope to see you there!


‘Nathan Burgoine

‘Nathan was a joy to meet at Can*Con! He was nominated for an Aurora Award for his YA novel Exit Plans for Teenage Freaks, incidentally up against my husband. I voted for both of them. 🙂

Learn more about ‘Nathan here, and you can buy his nominated book (and others) here!

(PS I just realized you get to see ‘Nathan twice in a row on our blog! Unintentional I assure you!)

Can*Con Report 2019

Hello My Imaginary Friends,

This past weekend the entire JenEric family went to one of our favourite conventions; Can*Con. The people were lovely and the event was wonderful, but boy am I glad it’s over.

It’s definitely the most stressful convention for me. Most conventions, my job is to stand there, look pretty, and sell coffee. At Can*Con, I’m also an author and need to talk about my books and my experience. Often times, with people I respect and am in awe of.

This year I had a panel about multiple point of view narratives with Tanya Huff and Kevin Hearn. Both amazing writers and extremely intelligent panelists. I think, to my surprise, I didn’t come off as a complete fool, so yay. (A personal fanboy moment was when Tanya chided me for not mentioning my Aurora nomination.)

I also had a signing with Charles De Lint. I spent half the time chatting with people in line to talk with him and half the time chatting with him. He’s a really nice person and we chatted about book formatting and support structures.

Now all that was stressful but awesome. Unfortunately, all 4 of us came down with a cold just before the convention. So doing a convention with a 3 year old and a baby while being sick was… exhausting.

Despite all of us being exhausted, we decided we needed to go to the Aurora awards banquet (we were both nominated but didn’t expect to win). Dragon wanted to dress up and we were just too darn tired so we didn’t. We were the schlumps in t-shirts and jeans but we had a great time.

On the Sunday I had a reading and took Dragon to ensure I had an audience. To my surprise, there were three other people. At least one of which was there to hear me read. Yay, I have a fan! Thanks S!

Doing conventions with kids is hard but totally worth it. Pegasus mostly slept, but Dragon was as good as possible. She listened, didn’t touch things, and only melted down a few times. I’m really proud of them.

Doing conventions with kids isn’t easy, but what makes it infinitely better is doing it with people who love them and like to entertain them. S. M. Carrière being the godmother spends a lot of time helping us at almost every con. Nathan of Renaissance was amazing despite being busy 99% of the con. Heather Chambers was absolutely fantastic with Dragon. She drew with her, played, and spent lots of time laughing.

There are more people that helped then I can name.

Thank You!

To everyone who helped, chatted, bought something, listened to me read or rant, or just made this convention amazing. Thank you so much!

I’m exhausted but happy.

Thank you again,


Can*Con 2019!

Hello book lovers,

Can*Con is this weekend and it’s easily our favourite convention.

We will be selling coffee (including limited amounts of advent calendars) and crochet in the dealers room.

I also have a few panels and events I’ll be at:

Opening Ceremonies and Aurora Pin Ceremony

Friday, October 18 • 6:00pm – 6:50pm

I’m getting pinned for my novel A Sign of Faust, which was nominated in the YA category for the Auroras.

Panel – Who’s Our Hero, Anyway

Saturday, October 19 • 10:00am – 10:50am

Why have one protagonist when you can have a dozen – or none? These days, SFF with loads of characters and no designated hero have a certain appeal. Series like Malazan, A Song of Ice and Fire, and The Walking Dead comics offer fans plenty of options to love, and real danger for your faves. But they also run the risk of a meandering plot and a death-weary audience. What are the benefits of having so much choice in who to root for? Does having tons of characters set us up for disappointment, or is it ultimately the reason we keep turning the page?


Saturday, October 19 • 12:00pm – 12:25pm

I’ll sign any books you like (Hopefully the ones I wrote).

2019 Aurora Award Ceremony

Saturday, October 19 • 6:00pm – 9:50pm

The Can*Con co-chairs and organizing committee are pleased to invite you to join them for the Aurora Award ceremony, which will take place off-site, at the Christchurch Cathedral’s Great Hall. A reception will be hosted there, with paid bar and appetizers served round. There is no entry fee, and all Can*Con attendees are welcome to join.


Sunday, October 20 • 12:00pm – 12:50pm

I’ll be reading from Everdome.

Hope to see you there!


Can-Con 2019

Can-Con 2019 is happening NEXT WEEKEND and I am ridiculously excited about it.

What is Can-Con, you ask?

Only my favourite convention of the year!

Can-Con is short for The Conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature, and the guests include Canadian authors, editors, publishers, agents, scientists, artists, and more!

Can-Con logo. Image from

Even better, to my mind, is that these people aren’t hidden away in a green room – they walk the floor with the other attendees, go to panels to broaden their knowledge base just like everyone else, and are generally available for geeking out with.

This year, Can-Con is hosting the Aurora Awards, so the convention will be teaming with nominees and past winners. Our very own Éric Desmarais is one of the nominees!

Oh, and me too, I guess, for the Travelling TARDIS blog. I don’t expect to win, though, because the people I’m up against are incredible.

The vendors room is open to the public, (We have a table if you need coffee or crochet) but the convention itself is sold out for 2019.

You can contact Jennifer Desmarais through Orleans Travel.