Week 40 – Beauty and the Beast

A classic from the Golden Age is a nice way to wrap up the school year.

Here is the link for the downloadable materials. (I hope this works…please let me know if you have any problems so I can fix it!)

table settingWatch moviemake grey stuffFlexmake bookmark

Summary of the week

Daily details:


Ballet and martial arts on alternate days


Singing, listening to different pieces, learning piano, learning guitar

Basic Information

We talk about the days of the week and play games with the cutouts of the names. We do the same thing with the names of the months of the year. You can find the print-outs here.

Printing words

Download material

Counting objects/math-type activities

Practice counting objects and writing how many of each type – (in download material)

Addition and pattern – worksheet



Table settings – link to reference
Make grey stuff – link to recipe
Make bookmark – link to ideas; I’m thinking of doing the bookworm

Have a great summer!!

Week 39 – Finding Nemo

Pegasus loves this movie.

Here is the link for the downloadable materials. (I hope this works…please let me know if you have any problems so I can fix it!)

learn about sustainable fishingWatch moviemake fish and chipsFlexlearn about shipwrecks

Summary of the week

Daily details:


Ballet and martial arts on alternate days


Singing, listening to different pieces, learning piano, learning guitar

Basic Information

We talk about the days of the week and play games with the cutouts of the names. We do the same thing with the names of the months of the year. You can find the print-outs here.

Printing words

Download material

Counting objects/math-type activities

Practice counting objects and writing how many of each type – (in download material)

Addition and pattern – worksheet



Make fish and chips – link to our recipe
Learn about sustainability in fishing – link to reference videos
Learn about shipwrecks – link to video (6 minutes)

Next week: Beauty and the Beast

Week 38 – How to Train Your Dragon

The staple. The first movie that occurred to me back in 2020 for Dragon and gave me the name for the homeschool for her.

Here is the link for the downloadable materials. (I hope this works…please let me know if you have any problems so I can fix it!)

design a dragonWatch movielearn about prostheticsFlexmake a paper boat

Summary of the week

Daily details:


Ballet and martial arts on alternate days


Singing, listening to different pieces, learning piano, learning guitar

Basic Information

We talk about the days of the week and play games with the cutouts of the names. We do the same thing with the names of the months of the year. You can find the print-outs here.

Printing words

Download material

Counting objects/math-type activities

Practice counting objects and writing how many of each type – (in download material)

Addition and pattern – worksheet



Design a dragon – link to reference
Learn about prosthetics – video how it’s made, video beyond bionics
Make a paper boat – link to reference

Next week: Finding Nemo

Week 37 – Curious George

This is one of the cutest movies I’ve ever seen. I find it a challenge to watch it without smiling. It also has SO MANY potential activities, it’s hard to just pick 3.

Here is the link for the downloadable materials. (I hope this works…please let me know if you have any problems so I can fix it!)

paintingWatch moviemake crownFlexbake with bananas

Summary of the week

Daily details:


Ballet and martial arts on alternate days


Singing, listening to different pieces, learning piano, learning guitar

Basic Information

We talk about the days of the week and play games with the cutouts of the names. We do the same thing with the names of the months of the year. You can find the print-outs here.

Printing words

Download material

Counting objects/math-type activities

Practice counting objects and writing how many of each type – (in download material)

Addition and pattern – worksheet



Make crown – link to reference
Bake with bananas – link to recipes for banana bread, muffins, and cupcakes

Next week: How to Train Your Dragon

Week 36 – Strange World

The last new movie! The first time I saw this, I knew exactly what I was looking at once they descended into the caves. I look forward to this week.

Here is the link for the downloadable materials. (I hope this works…please let me know if you have any problems so I can fix it!)

learn about body systemsWatch moviegardeningFlexdraw by numbers

Summary of the week

Daily details:


Ballet and martial arts on alternate days


Singing, listening to different pieces, learning piano, learning guitar

Basic Information

We talk about the days of the week and play games with the cutouts of the names. We do the same thing with the names of the months of the year. You can find the print-outs here.

Printing words

Download material

Counting objects/math-type activities

Practice counting objects and writing how many of each type – (in download material)

Addition and pattern – worksheet



Learn about body systems (digestion, respiration, circulation, nerves)
Draw by numbers – in download materials

Next week: Curious George

Week 35 – Brave

This movie is perfect for playing around with the elements of a fairy tale, and I look forward to teaching it.

Here is the link for the downloadable materials. (I hope this works…please let me know if you have any problems so I can fix it!)

elements of a fairy taleWatch moviebake spell cakeFlexlearn about bears

Summary of the week

Daily details:


Ballet and martial arts on alternate days


Singing, listening to different pieces, learning piano, learning guitar

Basic Information

We talk about the days of the week and play games with the cutouts of the names. We do the same thing with the names of the months of the year. You can find the print-outs here.

Printing words

Download material

Counting objects/math-type activities

Practice counting objects and writing how many of each type – (in download material)

Addition and pattern – worksheet



Elements of a Fairy Tale – sheet found in download materials
Bake Spell Cake – link to recipes
Learn about bears – link to references, link to video

Next week: Strange World

Week 34 – Elemental

Another new movie, but this one I adored. Pegasus wanted to make another zine-sized book, so that will be the main activity this week.

Here is the link for the downloadable materials. (I hope this works…please let me know if you have any problems so I can fix it!)

learn about immigrationWatch moviemake bookFlexcont. making book

Summary of the week

Daily details:


Ballet and martial arts on alternate days


Singing, listening to different pieces, learning piano, learning guitar


On break

Basic Information

We talk about the days of the week and play games with the cutouts of the names. We do the same thing with the names of the months of the year. You can find the print-outs here.

Printing words

Download material

Counting objects/math-type activities

Practice counting objects and writing how many of each type – (in download material)

Addition and pattern – worksheet



Learn about immigration
Make and put book together (using Canva)

Next week: Brave

Week 33 – Super Mario

This is a new movie for the school. I wasn’t a huge fan of it, but Pegasus is, and I thought designing a board game could be fun.

Here is the link for the downloadable materials. (I hope this works…please let me know if you have any problems so I can fix it!)

learn about frictionWatch moviedesign board gameFlexmake game

Summary of the week

Daily details:


Ballet and martial arts on alternate days


Singing, listening to different pieces, learning piano, learning guitar


On break

Basic Information

We talk about the days of the week and play games with the cutouts of the names. We do the same thing with the names of the months of the year. You can find the print-outs here.

Printing words

Download material

Counting objects/math-type activities

Practice counting objects and writing how many of each type – (in download material)

Addition and pattern – worksheet



Design and put together a board game – get a template from Canva
Learn about friction – video

Next week: Elemental

Week 32 – The Secret World of Arrietty

These activities were fun last time (although I dread the sparkles on the door) and I’m looking forward to doing them again.

Here is the link for the downloadable materials. (I hope this works…please let me know if you have any problems so I can fix it!)

make fairy doorWatch moviemake hair clipFlexmake room

Summary of the week

Daily details:


Ballet and martial arts on alternate days


Singing, listening to different pieces, learning piano, learning guitar


On break

Basic Information

We talk about the days of the week and play games with the cutouts of the names. We do the same thing with the names of the months of the year. You can find the print-outs here.

Printing words

Download material

Counting objects/math-type activities

Practice counting objects and writing how many of each type – (in download material)

Addition and pattern – worksheet



Make a fairy door – link to activity
Make a hair clip – link to activity
Make a miniature room – link to activity

Next week: Super Mario

Week 31 – Boxtrolls

Stop-motion is such a great form of animation, and totally feasible for kids to complete.

Here is the link for the downloadable materials. (I hope this works…please let me know if you have any problems so I can fix it!)

draw a boxWatch movietake pictures for movieFlexput movie together

Summary of the week

Daily details:


Ballet and martial arts on alternate days


Singing, listening to different pieces, learning piano, learning guitar


On break

Basic Information

We talk about the days of the week and play games with the cutouts of the names. We do the same thing with the names of the months of the year. You can find the print-outs here.

Printing words

Download material

Counting objects/math-type activities

Practice counting objects and writing how many of each type – (in download material)

Addition and pattern – worksheet



Make a movie – take stop-motion pictures, stitch pictures together, make music
Learn how to draw a 3-D box – link to video

Next week: The Secret World of Arrietty