Tumblr Keith and Lance

These two show up often on my blog. No apologies here. They worked hard on their costumes! Keith (@incaseyouart) and Lance (@gilove2dance) – links to their twitters

The flower crown that Keith is wearing is a Tumblr thing.

Voltron Season 8

Season 8 is available on Netflix TODAY! Final season :'(

Keith (@incaseyouart), Pidge, and Lance (@Gilove2dance) marveling at the TARDIS. Outfits from Wittyy_name‘s fic Shut Up and Dance, art by wolfpainters.

Keith and Lance

Keith (@incaseyouart) and Lance (@Gilove2dance) dance to Keone and Mari’s routine “Could” by Elderbrook. The TARDIS makes a special appearance.

Inspiration for the coplays from a fanfiction called Shut Up and Dance With Me by wittyy_name on AO3 with art by wolfpainters on Tumblr. Please note, you must be over 18 to read this.

Dance Klance

Keith (@incaseyouart, Tumblr) and Lance (@Gilove2dance, Tumblr), from Voltron, as dancers! (Specifically from a fanfiction called Shut Up and Dance With Me by wittyy_name on AO3 with art by wolfpainters on Tumblr. Please note, you must be over 18 to read this.) This pose is from the beginning of the dance (choreographed by Keone and Mariel) to the song “Could” by Elderbrook.

Lance, Keith, and Winnie the Pooh?

Given that Lance (@gilove2dance) and Keith (@incaseyouart) jumped into an alien ship in their show Voltron: Legendary Defender (on Netflix now!), I think they would probably love to travel with the Doctor…especially since he can bring them home at any time.

But what is Winnie the Pooh doing there? (Dragon didn’t want to leave her favourite person: Keith)

The Dragon at Comicon 2018

Hello My Imaginary Friends,

This was Baby Dragon’s second year at Ottawa Comicon. Her first year was mostly napping and being held by everyone who wanted with a little time on my shoulders.

This year however was filled with cool activities, playing, chasing people, and NOT NAPPING.

Her favourite activity was waving and saying hello to everyone. Other things she enjoyed:

  • Playing with the ATM and making it beep;
  • Fries;
  • Stalking Spiderman;
  • Running away into crowds;
  • Squirting Yogurt or Applesauce in her eye;
  • Climbing and sliding on Papa;
  • Saying hi to every Deadpool;
  • Giggling at Pennywise the clown;
  • Riding on Papa’s shoulders;
  • Pidge, Keith, and Lance;
  • Dancing with her aunt;
  • Grannie; and
  • Yelling Puppy at K9.

She loved hanging out with family

She did eventually nap a little, usually on the way home.


I love the picture of her and her grannie.

Overall it was a good year for the Baby… maybe more like Little Dragon.


Later Days,


Shiro and Keith

It is Ottawa Comic Con today, and I’ve still got a few pictures left from last year. Yay!

Have some of my favourite people: Takashi Shirogane and Keith (presumed Kogane). We already know what would happen if the Doctor needed help – they would jump into action. Thanks for saving the universe!

Voltron crew

I am rapidly becoming obsessed with Voltron, and I’m not ashamed of it. This show has great characters, great plot, and great people working on it. It also has incredible fans, like this group here.

Edit to add: new episodes dropping in March 2nd!! This is not a drill!!

l-r Pidge, Lance, Keith, Shiro, Hunk