It seems 2014 is going to be busy. Somehow I had no clue it would be.
I’m neck deep in a new novel set in a psychiatric institute for people with Parasomnia. So far it’s a lot of fun to write. I’m still working on the concept for my Vlog. Testing things out, playing with the equipment, and being a total chicken. On top of my weekly Modern RPG that I’m running.
Still no word about the book I submitted. Hopefully before March.
Something that’s been draining a lot of time and energy from me lately is being sick. I spent a few days last week, completely dead. To top that off both my wife and I are starting to feel colds. Hopefully they’ll go away, or we’re nuts, or both.
On their Facebook Page, Silver Stag Entertainment asked for suggestion for movies. In case you want to do a psychological analysis of my mind (Please don’t, that way leads to madness.) here’s what I suggested:
- Wall-E
- The Incredibles
- Willow
- Alien
- The Last Starfigher
- Dude Where’s my Car
- Splice
- Journey to the Center of the Earth(1959)
- Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (1958)
- The Court Jester
- Stargate
- The Gamers
- Frankenstein (1931)
- The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
- Rocky Horror Picture Show.
They also asked on their Goodreads Book Club, for book suggestions. Here are mine:
- Bitten by Kelley Armstrong
- The Silvered by Tanya Huff
- The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
- Redshirts by John Scalzi
- Terrier by Tamora Pierce
- Doorways in the Sand by Roger Zelazny
- Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang by Kate Wilhelm
- The Sleeping Dragon by Joel Rosenberg
- The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham
- The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King
- In the Tall Grass by Stephen King and Joe Hill
- The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter
- The Other Normals by Ned Vizzini
- The Sleeping God by Violette Malan
- How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper
- Sins of the Son by Linda Poitevin
- Destiny’s Blood by Marie Bilodeau
- The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells
- Wyrm by Mark Fabi
- The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury
- A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
- The Hunter’s Moon by O.R. Melling
- Hollow Earth by John and Carole Barrowman
- Defining Diana by Hayden Trenholm
- Disappearing Nightly by Laura Resnick
- The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clark
- Ringworld by Larry Niven
- Red Mars by Ben Bova
- Don’t Bite the Sun by Tanith Lee
- Knight Life by Peter David
That’s it for now. I’m going to see if I can nap with my eyes open.
If Gandalf can do it so can I!