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Hello Cinephiles,
Today we’re talking about the 1998 film The Faculty.
The story of a bunch of outcasts and how they save their school, and the world. It’s not original, not even for its time. The characters make leaps that don’t make sense, there’s a lot of silly science mistakes (No one felt it worth correcting “diuretic” for “desiccant”? Not to mention that the whole “Kill the queen” thing is weird and doesn’t work that way with most insects.
Score: 0
I liked the range of characters and I’m impressed with the depth of them considering the short amount of screentime they each get.
The movie is a parade of actors that would hit it big or who would go on to do a whole lot of other shows. It’s interesting to see them all together.
Robert Patrick was so good.
Score: 1
All the science was bunk and a lot of it contradictory. The dialogue was hokey most of the time but every once in a while it was really good. The speeches about belonging almost made the bad guys seem reasonable.
I am annoyed at the “sci-fi nerd” getting the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers wrong. If they were going to use the ending from one of the movies, they shouldn’t have had her talking about the book.
Score: 0.5
Visuals and Music
The cinematography was good, a few odd choices and hints at the start of shaky cam but overall okay. The rest of the film is very much recognizable as the late 90’s.
The music was awesome. The score was okay but the songs were great.
Score: 0.5
The movie had a certain nostalgia, but the piss poor story and the inconsistent science was more frustrating than fun.
I did love seeing all the actors and there were some moments of real quality.
Score: 0.5
This is a movie that puts all its quality in its actors and characters. The plot is flimsy and mediocre, and the science/resolution is just bad. That being said, the characters, music, and acting are far better than the script deserved. Worth it for the nostalgia but nothing special.
Final Score: 2.5 Stars out of 5