Stargirl – Recommendation Monday

Hello My Imaginary Friends,

It must seem really strange that I’m recommending Stargirl after my scathing review. I’m not, I still dislike that movie.

No, I’m recommending the TV show DC’s Stargirl.

This isn’t a review, I’ve only seen 12 of the 14 episodes. What I have seen is wonderful. It’s highly dramatic, like most modern superhero shows but it also doesn’t fear going into the cheesy.

It’s a superhero in small town high school type of show. The show could have easily devolved into angst, but the show avoids the usual tropes. The cast is really good and the mysteries are interesting.

The action in it is also top notch and makes me believe we could easily see them crossover with the other DC shows.

Today the first of the two part season finale comes out. I’ll be watching it next week as one long episode.

Have you seen Stargirl? What did you think?


Top 10 Statements Guaranteed to Make Éric Rant (and Angry) Part 2

Hello my Imaginary Friends,

Last Tuesday I posted Top 10 Statements Guaranteed to Make Éric Rant (and Angry) Part 1

Now here is:

Top 10 Statements Guaranteed to Make Éric Rant (and Angry) Part 2

5. Fad Science

Superfoods, toxins, free radicals, coffee enemas, diets based off of the food cavemen ate, and many more topics are junk/fad science. I’m not talking traditional medicines or all-natural remedies.

When people start trusting celebrities, fake doctors, and random articles over what their doctors say, we end up with people who truly believe that a fruit smoothie will remove harmful substances from their bodies or that pomegranates cure cancer.

The true dangers of this mentality is the fear of science, doctors, and health professionals. That’s when we get dead infants because their parents thought turmeric could heal meningitis, herbs can cure strep throat, and babies should be on gluten-lactose-free diets.

There’s no “SECRET DOCTORS DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW”, there’s no quick fix, and sometimes genetics is the problem. Eat a balanced diet and consult a doctor.

Anyone who’s offering you a quick fix is trying to sell you something.

4. Sexual Education is Not Necessary

Want to improve you and your child’s knowledge of sexual education? BUY BLUSH HERE!

I spoke about it

My wife spoke about it

And we are trying our best to educate people

Let’s just say I believe that subjects like proper body part names, consent, bullying, and LGBTQIA2S+ belong in a well-rounded education. Knowledge and discourse are the way to acceptance and understanding.

3. Video Games, Movies, and Television Create Violent People

Every once in a while a study by a special interest group will pop up saying that TV, movies, and video games cause violence.

It comes up every time someone sees the uptick in school shootings in the states or perceives the violence around us.

As I said in point 9, the world is actually a better place. We are exposed to more violence but that’s because we’re not sitting by and ignoring the violence around us. Racial violence, violence against LGBTQIA2S+, and religious violence are finally being exposed (mostly) and that makes the world look bleak, but we can’t fix a problem if we don’t know it exists.

Video games can cause addictions but so can books and collecting stuff. (Hey, hey… I don’t have a problem with collecting books.) Violent video games are a way that many people use to alleviate the anger and frustration that bombards our near powerless daily lives.

2. Vaccines

With the exception of a statistically minor portion of the population, the only thing vaccines cause are adults. In point 9 the graphic shows that child mortality has been steadily dropping since the 1900s. One of the major reasons for this is vaccines. You don’t have to worry about your child dying of smallpox or being crippled by polio.

Despite what some idiotic celebrities will tell you, the harm caused by not vaccinating is immense.

Measles cases hit record high in Europe (Warning there are some sad images of children with measels)

Have a look at this wonderful cartoon explaining how vaccines work.

1. [Insert Person] Doesn’t Deserve the Same Rights

All people should be treated equitably no matter their sexual identity, sexual orientation, skin colour, culture, country, religion, physical health, metal health, or intelligence.

It’s easy to be afraid of people you don’t know anything about. Fear of the other is a natural human reaction. It’s not logical or useful however. We need to accept others as they are and as they tell us they want to be treated. If someone from a minority tells you they’re not comfortable or don’t like your behaviour, listen to them.

Everyone deserves to live a life that is free from fear and hate.

Stop thinking of political correctness and start thinking of human decency and treating people with respect.

And yes I’ve ranted on this before:


Those are my top ten rant buttons.

Later days and future arguments,


Network Television Draft 2018-2019

2018-2019 JenEric Television Draft

Hello My Imaginary Friends and TV Lovers,

For the past 6 years I’ve hosted and run a TV Draft / Pool. It’s like a football or hockey pool but with new television shows.

2018-2019 JenEric Television Draft

How It Works

  1. Get a bunch of friends over to your house and watch all the trailers for this year’s new network television shows. (List below)
  2. Everyone pays $5. (You can use pretend money or no money at all)
  3. Divide the amount of shows by the amount of people. (There are 41 this year)
  4. Put everyone’s name in a hat, chip bowl, or other receptor.
  5. Pick a name from the receptor and that person gets first pick. Record what that person chooses and have them pick the next name.
  6. Reverse the order of people who picked. (First goes last, last goes first)
  7. Repeat steps 5-6 until everyone has an equal number of shows picked.
  8. Give updates monthly for how well the shows are doing. I recommend TV LineTV By The Numbers, Is My Show Cancelled, and TV Eh? for checking what is and what isn’t cancelled. Although Wikipedia works well too.
  9. At next year’s Draft give this year’s First place 50% of the money collected, Second place 30%, and Third place 20%.

The Points

Points are awarded by how many episodes air and if it’s renewed. All points are tied to the category of the show.

Categories Points Per Episode Aired Renewal Bonus
Traditional American (18-24 Episodes) 1 10
Mini-Series (6-14 Episodes) 2 10
Mid-Season Traditional (6-12 Episodes) 2 15
Unknown /Summer (4+ Episodes) 2 20

The Shows

There are enough shows this season that you could easily play 3-10 people. More if you let 2 people choose the same shows.

Name Network Anticipated Premiere Genre Category Trailer
A Million Little Things ABC 2018-09-26 Family Drama Traditional Trailer
Abby’s NBC Midseason Sitcom Midseason Description
All American CW 2018-10-10 Sports Drama Traditional Trailer
Blood & Treasure CBS Summer 2019 Action-Adventure Summer Description
Cavendish CBC Midseason Small Town Sitcom Miniseries (8) Description
Charmed CW 2018-10-14 Supernatural Drama Traditional Trailer
Coroner CBC Midseason Procedural Drama Miniseries (6) Description
Diggstown CBC Midseason Legal Drama Miniseries (6) Description
Fam CBS Unknown Sitcom Unknown Description
FBI CBS 2018-09-25 Crime Drama Traditional Trailer
God Friended Me CBS 2018-09-30 Fantasy Drama Traditional Trailer
Grand Hotel ABC Midseason Drama Midseason Trailer
Happy Together CBS 2018-10-01 Sitcom Traditional Trailer
I Feel Bad NBC 2018-10-04 Comedy Traditional Trailer
In the Dark CW Unknown Drama Unknown Description
Legacies CW 2018-10-25 Supernatural Drama Spinoff Traditional Trailer
Magnum P.I. CBS 2018-09-24 Crime Drama Traditional Trailer
Manifest NBC 2018-09-24 Fantasy Drama Traditional Trailer
New Amsterdam NBC 2018-09-25 Medical Drama Traditional Trailer
Northern Rescue CBC Unknown Family Drama Miniseries (10) Description
Proven Innocent Fox Unknown Legal Drama Unknown Trailer
Rel Fox 2018-09-09 Sitcom Traditional Trailer
Roswell, New Mexico CW Midseason Sci-fi Drama Midseason Trailer
Schooled ABC Midseason Sitcom Midseason Description
Single Parents ABC 2018-09-26 Sitcom Traditional Trailer
Street Legal CBC Midseason Legal Drama Reboot Miniseries (6) Description
The Code CBS Midseason Drama Midseason Description
The Conners ABC 2018-10-16 Family Sitcom Reboot Traditional Description
The Cool Kids Fox 2018-09-28 Sitcom Traditional Trailer
The Enemy Within NBC Midseason Drama Midseason Description
The Fix ABC Midseason Legal Drama Midseason Trailer
The Gilded Age NBC Unknown Period Drama Unknown Miniseries Description
The InBetween NBC Midseason Supernatural Drama Midseason Description
The Kids Are Alright ABC 2018-10-16 Sitcom Traditional Trailer
The Neighborhood CBS 2018-10-01 Sitcom Traditional Trailer
The Passage Fox Unknown Apocalyptic Drama Unknown Trailer
The Red Line CBS Midseason Drama Midseason Description
The Rookie ABC 2018-10-16 Crime Drama Traditional Trailer
The Village NBC Midseason Drama Midseason Description
Unspeakable CBC Midseason Real Life Drama Miniseries (8) Description
Whiskey Cavalier ABC Unknown Spy Drama Unknown Trailer

Good Luck,

Not Now Kid / Mysterious Force

Hello My Imaginary Friends,

There’s a trope in YA and children’s entertainment that drives me up the wall. Parents not believing or not trusting their kids.

You know the scenario. Something bad happens and all the characters are yelling about it and the kid/protagonist tries to get their attention but no one listens. Normally it ends up that the kid is right.

It’s a trope that was immensely popular in the 80’s and 90’s and has, thankfully, fallen out of favour. The idea behind it is that if the parents knew, they’d be able to fix it and if they couldn’t then why would the kids. Or if the parents knew then the kid would never be allowed to fix it because it’s too dangerous.

The only example of this trope that I enjoy is Candace from Phineas & Ferb.

The problem I have with the trope is that it promotes the idea that parents are obstacles and not resources. It also makes the parents look really stupid.

It’s a difficult balance between supportive parent and irresponsible or negligent parent. Especially when the kids/protagonists in question are battling monsters or other terrible things.


What do you think? What YA trope pisses you off?

Later Days,


Network Television Draft 2017-2018

Dear Imaginary Friends,

For the past five years I’ve run a Television Draft / Pool. It’s like a football or hockey pool but with new television shows.


How It Works

  1. Get a bunch of friends over to your house and watch all the trailers for this year’s new network television shows. (List below)
  2. Everyone pays $5. (You can use pretend money or no money at all)
  3. Divide the amount of shows by the amount of people. (There are 53 this year)
  4. Put everyone’s name in a hat, chip bowl, or other receptor.
  5. Pick a name from the receptor and that person gets first pick. Record what that person chooses and have them pick the next name.
  6. Reverse the order of people who picked. (First goes last, last goes first)
  7. Repeat steps 5-6 until everyone has an equal number of shows picked.
  8. Give updates monthly for how well the shows are doing. I recommend TV LineTV By The Numbers, Is My Show Cancelled, and TV Eh? for checking what is and what isn’t cancelled.
  9. At next year’s Draft give this year’s First place 50% of the money collected, Second place 30%, and Third place 20%.

The Points

Points are awarded by how many episodes air and if it’s renewed. All points are tied to the category of the show.

Categories Points Per Episode Aired Renewal Bonus
Traditional American (18-24 Episodes) 1 10
Mini-Series (6-14 Episodes) 2 10
Mid-Season Traditional (6-12 Episodes) 2 15
Unknown /Summer (4+ Episodes) 2 20

The Shows

There are enough shows this season that you could easily play 3-15 people. More if you let 2 people choose the same shows.

Name Network Anticipated Premiere Genre Category Trailer
9-1-1 Fox Midseason Procedural Midseason Description
9JKL CBS 2017-10-02 Sitcom Traditional Trailer
A.P. Bio NBC Unknown School Comedy Unknown Description
Alex, Inc. ABC Unknown Office Sitcom Unknown Trailer
Alias Grace CBC 2017-09-25 Historical Murder Miniseries (6) Trailer
Black Lightning CW Midseason Superhero Midseason Trailer
Burden of Proof  CBC 2018-Winter Legal Drama Miniseries (10) Description
By the Book CBS Midseason Spiritual Drama Midseason Description
Caught  CBC 2018-Winter Legal Drama Miniseries (5) Description
Champions NBC Unknown Sitcom Unknown Description
Crawford  CBC 2018-Winter Family Sitcom Miniseries (15) Description
Deception ABC Unknown Procedural Unknown Trailer
Dynasty CW 2017-10-11 Soap Opera Traditional Trailer
For the People ABC Unknown Legal Drama Unknown Trailer
Frankie Drake Mysteries  CBC Unknown Period Detective Miniseries (11) Description
Ghosted Fox 2017-10-01 Supernatural Traditional Trailer
Good Girls NBC Midseason Crime Drama Midseason Description
Inhumans ABC 2017-09-29 Superhero Traditional Trailer
Instinct CBS Midseason Crime Drama Midseason Description
Kevin (Probably) Saves the World ABC 2017-10-03 Fantasy Drama/Comedy Traditional Trailer
L.A. to Vegas Fox Midseason Flight Sitcom Midseason Trailer
Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders NBC 2017-09-26 True Crime Drama Miniseries Trailer
Life Sentence CW Unknown Comedy Drama Unknown Trailer
Little Dog  CBC 2018-Winter Boxing Comedy Miniseries (7) Description
Me, Myself & I CBS 2017-09-25 Comedy Traditional Trailer
Reverie NBC Unknown SciFi Procedural Miniseries (10) Description
Rise NBC Unknown School Drama Miniseries (10) Description
S.W.A.T. CBS 2017-11-02 Police Drama Traditional Trailer
SEAL Team CBS 2017-09-27 Military Drama Traditional Trailer
Splitting Up Together ABC Unknown Family Sitcom Unknown Trailer
Star Trek: Discovery CBS 2017-09-24 Science Fiction Miniseries Trailer
Ten Days in the Valley ABC 2017-10-01 Thriller Traditional Trailer
The Brave NBC 2017-09-25 Military Drama Traditional Trailer
The Crossing ABC Unknown SciFi Thriller Unknown Trailer
The Details CTV Unknown Detective Series Miniseries (10) Description
The Disappearancef CTV Unknown Detective Series Unknown Description
The Gifted Fox 2017-10-02 Superhero Miniseries (10) Trailer
The Good Doctor ABC 2017-09-25 Medical Drama Traditional Trailer
The Indian Detective CTV Unknown Procedural Unknown Trailer
The Mayor ABC 2017-10-03 Political Sitcom Traditional Trailer
The Orville Fox 2017-09-10 SciFi Comedy Traditional Trailer
The Resident Fox Unknown Medical Drama Unknown Trailer
Unspeakable CBC 2018-Winter Historical Drama Miniseries (8) Description
Untitled Grey’s Anatomy Spinoff ABC Unknown Firefighter Drama Unknown Description
Valor CW 2017-10-09 Military Drama Traditional Trailer
Wisdom of the Crowd CBS 2017-10-01 Procedural Drama Traditional Trailer
Young Sheldon CBS 2017-09-25 Family Sitcom Traditional Trailer

Good Luck!

Network Television Draft 2016-2017

For the past few years I’ve run a Television Draft / Pool. It’s like a football or hockey pool but with new television shows.



How It Works

  1. Get a bunch of friends over to your house and watch all the trailers for this year’s new network television shows. (List below)
  2. Everyone Pays $5. (You can use pretend money or no money at all)
  3. Divide the amount of shows by the amount of people. (There are 53 this year)
  4. Put everyone’s name in a hat, chip bowl, or other receptor.
  5. Pick a name from the receptor and that person gets first pick. Record what that person chooses and have them pick the next name.
  6. Reverse the order of people who picked. (First goes last, last goes first)
  7. Repeat steps 5-6 until everyone has an equal number of shows picked.
  8. Give updates monthly for how well the shows are doing. I recommend TV Line, TV By The Numbers, and Is My Show Cancelled for checking what is and what isn’t cancelled.
  9. At next year’s Draft give this year’s First place 50% of the money collected, Second place 30%, and Third place 20%.

The Points

Points are awarded by how many episodes air and if it’s renewed. All points are tied to the category of the show.

Categories Points Per Episode Aired Renewal Bonus
Traditional American (18-24 Episodes) 1 10
Mini-Series (6-14 Episodes) 2 10
Mid-Season Traditional (6-12 Episodes) 2 15
Unknown /Summer (4+ Episodes) 2 20

The Shows

There are enough shows this season that you could easily play 3-17 people. More if you let 2 people choose the same shows.

Show Network Estimated Premiere Date Category Trailer link
24: Legacy Fox February 5, 2017 Traditional American Trailer
A.P.B. Fox Unknown Traditional American Trailer
American Housewife ABC October 11, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Bull CBS September 20, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Chicago Justice NBC Unknown Traditional American Trailer
Conviction ABC October 3, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Designated Survivor ABC September 21, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Doubt CBS 2017-Winter Traditional American Trailer
Downward Dog ABC 2017-Winter Mid-Season Traditional Trailer
Emerald City NBC 2017-Winter Mini-Series (10) Description
Frequency CW October 5, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Great News NBC 2017-Winter Traditional American Description
Imaginary Mary ABC 2017-Winter Mid-Season Traditional Trailer
Kevin Can Wait CBS September 19, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Kim’s Convenience CBC 2016-Fall Mini-Series (13) Teaser
Law & Order: True Crime  NBC Unknown Mini-Series (??) N/A
Lethal Weapon Fox September 21, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
MacGyver CBS September 23, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Making History Fox 2017-Winter Traditional American Trailer
Man with a Plan CBS October 24, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Marlon NBC 2017-Winter Traditional American Trailer
Midnight, Texas NBC 2017-Winter Traditional American Trailer
No Tomorrow CW October 4, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Notorious ABC October 22, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Pitch Fox September 22, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Powerless NBC Unknown Traditional American Trailer
Pure CBC 2017-Winter Mini-Series (6) Description
Pure Genius CBS October 27, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Ransom CBS/Global/TF1/RTL Unknown Mini-Series (13) Description
Riverdale CW 2017-Winter Traditional American Trailer
Shoot the Messenger CBC 2016-Fall Mini-Series (8) Description
Shots Fired Fox Unknown Mini-Series (10) Trailer
Son of Zorn Fox September 11, 2016 Mini-Series (13) Trailer
Speechless ABC September 21, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Star Fox Unknown Mini-Series (13) Trailer
Star Trek: Discovery CBS/CBS Streaming 2017-Winter Mini-Series (13) Teaser
Still Star-Crossed ABC Unknown Unknown Trailer
Taken NBC 2017-Winter Traditional American Description
Ten Days In The Valley ABC Unknown Unknown Description
The Blacklist: Redemption NBC Unknown Traditional American Trailer
The Exorcist Fox September 23, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
The Good Place NBC September 19, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
The Great Indoors CBS October 27, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
The Mick Fox 2017-Winter Traditional American Trailer
The North Calling CBC 2017-Winter Mini-Series (7) Description
This is High School CBC 2016-Fall Mini-Series (6) Description
This Is Us NBC September 20, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Time After Time ABC Unknown Unknown Trailer
Timeless NBC October 3, 2016 Traditional American Trailer
Training Day CBS 2017-Winter Traditional American Trailer
Trial & Error NBC Unknown Traditional American Trailer
When We Rise ABC Unknown Mini-Series (7) Description
Workin’ Moms CBC 2017-Winter Mini-Series (13) Description

Good Luck!

Too Female? #TooFemale

Last Monday, I found out that CBS had passed on the new Nancy Drew TV series. Not because the pilot tested badly (it tested really well) but because it was “Too Female”.

My only reaction was: Ugh!

CBC Ottawa’s All in a Day talked about it that night.

Sarah Shahi – Filming ‘Nancy Drew’ in New York City 3/19/2016 -
Sarah Shahi – Filming ‘Nancy Drew’ in New York City 3/19/2016 –

What do they mean by Too Female?

It could mean a lot of things but mostly it means that they believe that it won’t appeal to their core demographic. Which is apparently mostly men between the age of 18 and 49. Which is the demographic that most networks seem to be targeting.

That’s why you get a kickass character like Detective Kate Beckett (Castle) and Doctor Constance Brennan (Bones), but the studio insists that they work with a male lead. Sometimes it works, and sometimes the male is just boring like Body of Proof where the male cops were about as interesting as the corpses. (Mostly less.)

Rarely do you get a mystery show where you have a female lead that isn’t saddled with a male partner to appeal to the “male demographic”. Other than Veronica Mars and Murder She Wrote, the only one I can think of is Rizzoli & Isles.

Does Gender Matter?

From a story perspective; no. You can tell a fantastic story with a male or a female lead.

From a demographics perspective; I don’t know. I’m not your typical man and I can’t speak for all men. I enjoy female leads, and I think a smart intelligent character is awesome. Female led shows have done well in the past; Veronica Mars, Buffy, Xena, Murder She Wrote, Star Trek Voyager, etc.

I have gotten more than one funny look when I’ve mentioned my love for Gilmore Girls or Disney Princess movies, so the stereotype is there.

The one place that it absolutely matters is in representation. I can turn on the tv and press any combination of buttons and there’s a huge chance that I’ll end up on a show with a main character that looks like me. (White male, 18-49) There are good guys that look like me, bad guys, smart, dumb, etc. etc. etc.

We don’t have the same for women. It’s improving but it’s not there yet.

And that’s not mentioning other gender identities, sexual preferences, cultures, ethnicities, etc.

What Can We Do?

Find and Enjoy the #TooFemale shows out there with well written female leads. Share your love on social media, buy the merchandise, go see the movies.

My experience is limited, but the following TV shows have female leads that kick ass (figuratively and literally) and are still on the air. Check them out, and if you love them let the world know:

There are LOTS more but these are the ones I’ve watched and enjoyed.

While you’re feeling active, sign the Agent Carter to Netflix petition.


Go and shamelessly enjoy all the “Too Female” shows. They’re usually better written anyway.


Television Show Draft US/Canada Network shows 2015-2016

Hello My Imaginary Friends,

Are you a non-sports geek/nerd/dork? Do you feel like you’re missing out when you hear about people playing Hockey/Football/Baseball/Soccer drafts?

(Cue infomercial voice.)I sure did! And that’s why I developed the Television Show Draft.

This draft only includes the Big Four American Networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX), The CW, and the Big Four Canadian Networks, (CBC, CTV, Global, and City)

But how does it work?


  1. Get a bunch of friends over to your house and watch all the trailers for this year’s new network television shows. (List below)
  2. Everyone Pays $5. (You can use pretend money)
  3. Divide the amount of shows by the amount of people. (There are 55 this year)
  4. Put everyone’s name in a hat, chip bowl, or other semi-spherical receptor.
  5. Pick a name from the receptor and that person gets first pick. Record what that person choses and have them pick the next name. Continue until everyone has an even number of shows picked.
  6. Give updates weekly or monthly for how well shows are doing. I recommend TV Line, TV By The Numbers, and Is My Show Cancelled for checking what is and what isn’t cancelled.
  7. At next year’s Draft give this year’s first place 50% of the money collected, Second place 30%, and Third place 20%.

And that’s it it’s just that simple. Below you’ll find the listings with links to the trailers or descriptions and the Grading scheme.


Title Premier Day Network Type Trailer Link
Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris 09-15-2015 Tuesday NBC Variety Series Trailer
Blindspot 09-21-2015 Monday NBC Drama Trailer
Life in Pieces 09-21-2015 Monday CBS Family Sitcom Trailer
Minority Report 09-21-2015 Monday Fox Science fiction crime drama Trailer
Limitless 09-22-2015 Tuesday CBS Drama Trailer
Scream Queens 09-22-2015 Tuesday Fox Horror-Comedy Anthology Trailer
The Muppets 09-22-2015 Tuesday ABC Comedy Trailer
Rosewood 09-23-2015 Wednesday Fox Procedural Trailer
Heroes Reborn 09-24-2015 Thursday NBC Superhero Trailer
The Player 09-24-2015 Thursday NBC Drama Trailer
Blood and Oil 09-27-2015 Sunday ABC Soap Opera Trailer
Quantico 09-27-2015 Sunday ABC Thriller Trailer
Grandfathered 09-29-2015 Tuesday Fox Comedy Trailer
The Grinder 09-29-2015 Tuesday Fox Legal Comedy Trailer
Code Black 09-30-2015 Wednesday CBS Medical drama Trailer
Dr. Ken 10-02-2015 Friday ABC Multi-camera comedy Trailer
This Life 10-05-2015 Monday CBC Drama Trailer
Young Drunk Punk 10-06-2015 Tuesday CBC Comedy Trailer
The Romeo Section 10-14-2015 Wednesday CBC Espionage Trailer
Truth be Told 10-16-2015 Friday NBC Comedy Trailer
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 10-19-2015 Monday CW Musical Comedy-Drama Trailer
Supergirl 10-26-2015 Monday CBS Superhero Trailer
Wicked City 10-27-2015 Tuesday ABC True crime procedural drama Trailer
Angel from Hell 11-05-2015 Thursday CBS Single-camera comedy Trailer
Chicago Med 11-10-2015 Tuesday NBC Medical Drama Trailer
Bordertown Mid-Season Fox Adult Animated Sitcom Trailer
Containment Mid-Season CW Drama Trailer
Crowded Mid-Season NBC Sitcom Trailer
Heartbreaker Mid-Season NBC Medical Drama Trailer
Hot & Bothered Mid-Season NBC Drama Telenovela Description
Legends of Tomorrow Mid-Season CW Superhero Time Travel Anthology Trailer
Lucifer Mid-Season Fox Comic Book Drama Trailer
Of Kings and Prophets Mid-Season ABC Drama Trailer
Shades of Blue Mid-Season NBC Police Procedural Trailer
The Catch Mid-Season ABC Thriller Trailer
The Frankenstein Code Mid-Season Fox Science Fiction Drama Trailer
You, Me, and the End of the World Mid-Season NBC / Sky1 Science Fiction Comedy-Drama Description
Braindead Unknown CBS Alien Zombie Political Drama Description
Baroness Von Sketch Show Unknown CBC Sketch Comedy Description
Better Late Than Never Unknown NBC Celebrity Travel Description
Coach Unknown NBC Sitcom Revival Description
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders Unknown CBS Procedural Description
Emerald City Unknown NBC Drama Description
Game of Silence Unknown NBC Drama Description
Houdini and Doyle Unknown Fox / Global / BBC Drama Description
Kim’s Convenience Unknown CBC Comedy Description
Little Big Shots Unknown NBC Variety Children Description
Rush Hour Unknown CBS Comedy Drama Description
Shoot the Messenger Unknown CBC Drama Description
Superstore Unknown NBC Single Camera Workplace Comedy Description
The Code (working title) Unknown Global Hockey / PI Description
The Family Unknown ABC Political drama Trailer
The Guide to Surviving Life Unknown Fox College Comedy Trailer
The Real O’Neals Unknown ABC / TV2 Single-camera comedy Trailer
Uncle Buck Unknown ABC Single-camera comedy Description


Points Fall Winter / Spring Unknown
Pilot Airs 0 5 10
Survives Past Sweeps (End of November) 5 N/A N/A
Full Season Order 10 10 15
Full Season airs 15 15 20
Second Season Renewal 20 20 25

The Code (working title) starring Jason Priestley – who also serves as an Executive Producer – as an ex-pro hockey player who uses his celebrity status and reputation as an enforcer on the ice in his new gig as a crime-solving PI.

Who’s interested in a TV Draft?


Recommendation Thursday – Decked Out, Disaster Decks, and Custom Built

I am not really a handy person. I can hang pictures, do some basic plumbing but I can’t install a water softener. I can patch a hole in drywall; beyond that I’m completely useless without help.

My skills are mostly book related but I love watching HGTV. I was amazed to find out how many of the HGTV stars are Canadian.

Over the past year, my wife and I have fallen for a team on the network that has multiple shows. Each show is awesome and they’re both instructional and funny. The team consists of Paul Lafrance, Joey Fletcher, David Kenney, and Kate Campbell. With others.

Decked Out

Has the team building insanely beautiful and elaborate decks.

Disaster Decks

Has the team teaching a poor home owner how to build strong and legal decks. (My only gripe with this one is that the homeowner that helps them is almost always the guy.)

Custom Built

The newest by this team but by far my favourite; each episode they build a new piece of furniture for one customer and renovate a room for another. That even inspired me to check the leather furniture gallery – too many new ideas I’ve got! Their ideas are always creative and fun.

If you like watching building shows where they make amazing stuff go check out all of these shows.
