Help! I think I’ve been wearing snow pants wrong for 40 years

Hello Friends, Family, and Fans,

Here is a picture of snow pants:

At the bottom of the legs of snow pants is something called an Internal Boot Gaiter. It has a texture like splash pants and an elastic on the bottom. There’s also the Boot Zipper or External Leg.

Now, for my whole life, I’ve been putting the Internal Boot Gaiter inside my boots, tightening my boots, and rolling down the Boot Zipper outside. I thought this created a sort of airlock.

On Saturday, my wife told me she stretched the gaiter over the boot to create a seal over the boot.

I was so shocked that I immediately googled it. It seems like all the sources I can find agree with Jen or seem to be agreeing.

So please tell me what do you do?

Do you put the Inner Gaiter inside the boot or outside?

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Be kind and stay safe,


Roasting in winter

Hello Coffee Lovers,

Yes, it’s still winter here. There are some advantages to roasting in winter. The first being that the beans cool faster. The second being that roasting things at 250-300 Celcius is a lot more tolerable when the temperature outside is -5.

The shoveling and having to stop for snowfall isn’t as much fun.

I was roasting this weekend to prepare for Mini Ottawa Comiccon. It’s at the EY centre and will be a vendors market with free entrance (Although parking is $10).

Hours are 11-6 on Saturday and 11-5 on Sunday.

Hope to see you there,
