Virtual school went very well this week. After a bit of a difficult morning waking up, Dragon rallied nicely and focussed very well on school.
The morning routine was back to normal, with Oh Canada, the bonjour song (she was asked to sing after and did very well), the petit prince song (she was asked to sing the lundi verse and did well), the jours de la semaine song, the mois de l’annee song, and then she was asked the names of the seasons.
They learned about the letter ‘j’ and she wrote several words that started with ‘j’. She was very excited to practice her printing with other kids.
The story was cute, about a fly that went to space. Then they watched a video about the way they bring food to space with Chris Hadfield. She was excited because she has his kid’s book The Darkest Dark. She loves it.
Math was about locations (far, near, in front, behind) and they played a game where the teacher told them where they had to go. Dragon got used to the words eventually. We’ll practice them. Then they did coding again, which she LOVES. She got to do 5 sets with the teacher, and then she did 5 more by herself. She had to tell the teacher the direction (haut, bas, droit, gauche). We’ll practice that more.
The last thing they did was dance, which she always enjoys doing.
Homeschool this week was pretty great as well.
She did ballet 2 times this week, and practiced doing the spilts. She also danced with her Yoshi.
Piano: There was no full lesson this week. She practiced her finger movements for the five notes and her triads.
We have a new French playlist that I can play through the Google, with a variety of artists.
She did several stitches this week.
Basic Information
We are working on yesterday (hier) and tomorrow (demain) around any given day. The months of the year is going well. We’re working on the month before and after any given month. That’s coming slowly.
The saisons de l’année are all memorized. We’re working on how each of them feel and the types of things we can do during each of them.
When I ask her “combien” for any of the above, she now responds in complete sentences.
Printing words
Printing went very well this week. She had some issues with the letters on her own, but I think she just wasn’t concentrating.
Counting objects/math-type activities
She had no problems with the counting worksheet. She has been counting to 50 out loud (four days in a row she has remembered 16 without prompting!). On Friday, she counted to 70!
Math – the math went very well. She has been completing the worksheets with very little assistance.
We did coding through the computer program that the teacher gave us. I had Dragon say the direction before she clicked on it. She LOVES this game.
We read stories from the teacher’s outline that was sent to us on Monday. She enjoyed that, and we will continue to do it next week.
We watched Vampirina in French on Disney Plus, one episode a day. Dragon is enjoying it immensely, and is even recognizing some words!
Experiment Blue Eyes – I had her group the shapes by colour, and then by shape. Then I told her to put all the ones with angles in one group, and the circles in another. I told her that the angled ones were better. “Why?” she asked. “Why do you think?” I replied. “Maybe because there’s more of them?” she answered after a great deal of thought. “Is that a good reason?” I asked. “No!” immediate response from her. Then she added “the circles would feel sad.” So I told her, “oh, you’re right, the circles must be better, because there’s less of them.” And she vehemently shook her head. “Why not?” I asked. “Because they’re all shapes. They’re all the same thing.” she replied. I told her that she was correct, and we should never make someone feel bad about being who they are.
Thank you, Dragon. I didn’t even need to teach you the lesson today.
Shapes Activity – we used the book she made in Week 16 to identify the shapes
Elephant rescues in Africa – we watched the video and Dragon was very sad that mother elephants had been killed or were dying. I got lots of cuddles. She was happy that the babies were taken care of and she liked watching them hold the bottle.