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Hello Cinephiles,
Today we’re talking about the 2021 film Gunpowder Milkshake.
Hyperviolent with just enough emotion that you know it’s there. A classic style action movie. It’s not deep but it does have heart and a nice theme about found family.
Score: 0.5
Stoic, sarcastic, and deadly. The characters are barely two dimensional and only work through the immense talent of the actors.
Score: 0
Lots of quips, snark, and wonderful banter. The dialogue does double duty in needing to express the subtleties that the characters themselves don’t.
Score: 0.5
Visuals and Music
The style reminded me of a more colourful Sin City with a little of the surreal aspects of Sucker Punch. Overall, it has beautiful cinematography, sets, costumes, and action. The action is absolutely superb. Loved the car chase in the parking garage.
The music was a nice combination femme rock and instrumental action music.
Score: 1
I wasn’t sure what to expect and wanted something exciting and easy to watch. I wasn’t disappointed. I can see this being a comfort watch for me. Jen wasn’t as big a fan of the gore and extreme violence. The kids were in bed and did not watch, thankfully.
Score: 1
An excellent hyperviolent action movie with all the music quips and fights that make the genre fun to watch. The actors in this are at the top of their game and killing it (literally and figuratively.)
Final Score: 3 Stars out of 5