Cover Reveal: Winging It

If you saw me in person at Geeked Out on December 1, or at The Book’s Better Bookshop in Smith’s Falls on December 14, you would have seen a sneak peek of Jen’s next cover.

Or if you were part of our newsletter, you got to see sketches and the background. (Incidentally, sign up for our newsletter here!)

There was a cover reveal party this past Saturday, which means:

I have been sitting on this cover since September and I can finally show it to you!

Art by @pinkpiggy93, of course.

Bookflix series: The Mystery of the Dancing Lights

A parody of Netflix, Bookflix is where you can find our books and more like them.

The Mystery of the Dancing Lights by Éric Desmarais is available now!
Physical from Canadian indie bookstores, physical from Indigo, electronic version

49th Shelf The Mystery of the Dancing Lights
Indigo Books The Mystery of the Dancing Lights
Archambault The Mystery of the Dancing Lights
Amazon The Mystery of the Dancing Lights
Rakuten Kobo The Mystery of the Dancing Lights
Apple Books The Mystery of the Dancing Lights

Bookflix series: Monsters! Incidental Wedding Guests

A parody of Netflix, Bookflix is where you can find our books and more like them.

Monsters! Incidental Wedding Guests by Jen and Éric Desmarais is available now!

49th Shelf Monsters! Incidental Wedding Guests
Indigo Books Monsters! Incidental Wedding Guests
Archambault Monsters! Incidental Wedding Guests
Amazon Monsters! Incidental Wedding Guests
Rakuten Kobo Monsters! Incidental Wedding Guests
Apple Books Monsters! Incidental Wedding Guests

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