Hello Cinephiles,
Today we’re talking about the 2024 film Inside Out 2.

More than any other Pixar sequel, this feels like a continuation of the story. It’s similar enough but shows the evolution of puberty. Extremely well done despite the secondary embarrassment.
Score: 1
The new emotions at first look like villains and the film shows their evolution and humanity. Even Anxiety, which spends the movie looking like a bond villain, is shown as a natural part of each of us. Riley’s story is so familiar as to be painful, but in a lived-in kind of way.
Score: 1
The dialogue for the emotions was filled with jokes and puns that helped lessen the tension from the other storyline.
The dialogue with the kids felt authentic but I don’t have much recent experience with that age group.
Score: 1
Visuals and Music
The movie was technically impressive. The textures, lines, and animation was stunning. The ice movements and the way it looked was perfect.
The music was excellent.
Score: 1
The movie was fun for the most part. I think it would be better a second time. Even 28 years after the age period, I felt each moment of second-hand embarrassment vicerally.
The rest of the family liked it and the kids had a lot of fun.
Score: 0.5
The perfect sequel in tone, story, and emotion to the first. We see a different part of Riley’s life and the emotions that are happening behind the scenes. It’s excellent on every level, but if you’re easily affected by second-hand embrassement, be prepared for a lot of it.
Final Score: 4.5 Stars out of 5