2015 Book Ranking

Last year I read 32 books. I try to rate and review them all on Goodreads.

I’ve read some fantastic books this year and some absolutely terrible ones.

5 Star Rating (Amazing I highly recommend)

  1. Ms. Marvel, Vol. 3: Crushed  by Wilson, G. Willow
  2. Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal  by Wilson, G. Willow
  3. Touched by an Alien (Katherine “Kitty” Katt, #1)  by Koch, Gini
  4. Pocket Apocalypse (InCryptid, #4)  by McGuire, Seanan
  5. Human by S.M. Carrière
  6. Blood Relations (Family By Choice, #1)  by Frechette, Caroline
  7. Ms. Marvel, Vol. 2: Generation Why  by Wilson, G. Willow
  8. The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who  by Cornell, Paul
  9. Doctor Who: Agent Provocateur  by Russell, Gary
  10. Captain Marvel, Vol. 1: Higher, Further, Faster, More  by DeConnick, Kelly Sue
  11. Captain Marvel, Vol. 2: Down  by DeConnick, Kelly Sue
  12. Avengers: The Enemy Within  by DeConnick, Kelly Sue

4 Star Rating (Great. Read if you like the genre)

  1. Abracadaver (Esther Diamond, #7)  by Resnick, Laura
  2. Gardens of the Moon (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, #1)  by Erikson, Steven
  3. Rosemary and Rue (October Daye #1) by McGuire, Seanan
  4. The Hunt For Atlantis (Nina Wilde & Eddie Chase, #1)  by McDermott, Andy
  5. Tempest (Tempest, #1)  by Cross, Julie
  6. Something from the Nightside (Nightside, #1)  by Green, Simon R.
  7. Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1)  by Andrews, Ilona
  8. Neverwhere  by Gaiman, Neil
  9. Welcome to Dead House (Goosebumps, #1)  by Stine, R.L.
  10. Moon Called (Mercy Thompson, #1)  by Briggs, Patricia

3 Star Rating (Fun but not amazing)

  1. Bloodring (Rogue Mage, #1)  by Hunter, Faith
  2. Staying Dead (Retrievers, #1)  by Gilman, Laura Anne
  3. Deadly Heat (Nikki Heat, #5)  by Castle, Richard
  4. Ghost of a Chance (Ghost Finders, #1)  by Green, Simon R.
  5. The Nymphos of Rocky Flats (Felix Gomez, #1)  by Acevedo, Mario

2 Star Rating (Disappointing)

  1. Gnome Man’s Land  by Friesner, Esther M.
  2. Tithe (Modern Faerie Tales, #1)  by Black, Holly
  3. Night Child (OSI, #1)  by Battis, Jes

1 Star Rating (Terrible)

  1. A Brewing Storm (Derrick Storm, #1) by Castle, Richard
  2. Desperate Measures (Angel’s Luck #1)  by Faust, Joe Clifford


Do you agree or disagree with my rankings?


Feeling Old and a Mission

Short Story Collection

The other day I came up with the idea of collecting my short stories and maybe self-publishing them. My first instinct was that I’d never have enough and I’d have to write more.

After looking through my writing folders I certainly have enough content but I’m not convinced I have enough quality… Yet.

I get a perverse joy out of reading my old stories and pretending someone else wrote them. It’s easy, seeing as even some things on this blog I don’t remember writing. Some of it is good, some of it is terrible, but boy is there a lot of it.

Feeling Old

I feel old when I look through the folder and find some of my stories that are just shy of 2 decades old. My early stories could vote. That’s frightening. I didn’t consider myself a writer until I finished my first novel “Cerulean Skies” and even then I never considered writing regularly, but looking back I’ve been writing, in one form or another, for over twenty five years. I remember the first novel I tried to write. I had almost finished it and left it in an envelope. I found it when I moved to Ottawa in 2002, but I had made the terrible mistake of using pencil and it had faded beyond recognition.

I found some Dungeons and Dragons writing that I did for my first big campaign. I remember it being massive in scope. When I looked at it today it was barely 9000 words. Or as most of my author friends would call it, a few days’ work.

I think I’ll stick to stories that were written within the past decade for the collection.

I’m Terribly Sorry

There are several serial stories that I have written that I promised to write more and I seem to have completely forgotten.

If you’re interested in reading them here are the links:

Armstrong 3 (Space ship Science Fiction) – 2009

The Professor (Archeological Action Adventure) – 2009

The Cosmic Cuckoos (Adventure Science Fiction) – 2014

I plan on not only continuing these stories but re-writing and editing them into a coherent total. One of them may even become my next serialized story.

I have a Mission

I discovered around Christmas that I’d been collecting Urban-Fantasy/Fantasy series at an alarming rate. At last count, I have over 50 of them and more than 20 that I hadn’t read. No seriously, I have one series where I own the first 8 books and I’ve never read the author before.

In order to pare down my library and make sure I like the books, I’m on a quest to read the first in each series. I’ll be posting short reviews of each of the books unless I really love them or hate them.

Here’s what I’ve read so far this year and my opinions:

Moon Called by Patricia Briggs

A great start and a wonderful read. I look forward to the next one. Rating: 80%

Night Child by Jes Battis

Not a terrible book but very uneven. The author’s metaphors were awkward, the characters were stupid and the style wasn’t consistent. Not planning on reading the rest of the series.

This book had so much potential and angered me so much that it gets the lowest rating I’ve ever given with 40%

Blood Relations by Caroline Fréchette

Check out my full review this Thursday.


That’s 3 down and 19 more to go.


What’s your favourite fantasy, science fiction, or urban fantasy? Let me know and I may add it to my list.