The end (or is it?) August 8, 2012 by Éric Desmarais This is the last picture from Louisiana. I will continue to post pictures from Ottawa on Friday.The TARDIS lands in a boathouse.
Abandoned August 6, 2012 by Éric Desmarais The TARDIS parks where it parks best – beside an abandoned warehouse.
View August 1, 2012 by Éric Desmarais I think the TARDIS landed in a swamp, but I’m not 100% sure. What do you think?
Wildlife July 25, 2012 by Éric Desmarais Reptiles find the TARDIS tasty, so I hope the Doctor stays away from Louisiana!
Louisiana Bayou July 20, 2012 by Éric Desmarais Moving from Nevada to Louisiana. The TARDIS must have needed some water after all that desert!