Change to 2021 JenEric Schedule

Hello JenEric Fans,

With Dragon doing full digital school, we’ve decided to move things around a little. Here’s the schedule for the foreseeable future.


Éric Desmarais will randomly write things like an unspecified number of monkeys with typewriters… which is totally not how he writes his posts… *Shifty Eyes* EDIT: Please send bananas.


Guitar Lessons Jen is learning guitar and her journey is quite a lot of fun to follow. Certainly a Major Scaled accomplishment.


The Travelling TARDIS will continue it’s adventures in space, time, and backlogs.


JenEric Movie Reviews continues to watch movies, over-analyse them, and tell you all about it.


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The monkeys Éric returns with serial stories, regular stories, rants, coffee info, and really whatever comes out of the typewriters… uhm mind, his mind.

Saturday & Sunday

Unless 2021 ends up being as movie watching heavy as 2020, these will be left blank and let the monkeys, time machine, and musicians rest.

Hope you enjoy it!

JenEric Designs Management

2021 JenEric Schedule

Hello JenEric Readers,

This year we’re making changes to the schedule of posts. Here’s what’s going to happen:


Éric Desmarais will randomly write things like an unspecified number of monkeys with typewriters… which is totally not how he writes his posts… *Shifty Eyes*


How I Taught My Dragon will post the results of the previous week with all the cute pictures of Dragon learning.


The Travelling TARDIS will continue it’s adventures in space, time, and backlogs.


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How I Taught My Dragon will post the plan for the next week of Draconic (but rarely draconian) learning.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is logo.png

The monkeys Éric returns with serial stories, regular stories, rants, coffee info, and really whatever comes out of the typewriters… uhm mind, his mind.


JenEric Movie Reviews continues to watch movies, over-analyse them, and tell you all about it.


Unless 2021 ends up being as movie watching heavy as 2020, this will be left blank and let the monkeys, time machine, and Dragon rest.

Looks like another exciting year for JenEric Designs. Hope you enjoy it!

JenEric Designs Management