One of the things I love about this movie is how they animated the Boxtrolls. They don’t speak human language, so their hands and facial expressions have to do the talking for us to understand (unless Eggs translates for them). But I’ve found (with both kids) that they’ve understood what the trolls are saying without Eggs’s help. It’s impressive. Pegasus was very upset near the end of the movie (no spoilers) but really enjoyed it by the end.
As per usual, I didn’t do anything specific for this.
His scales are coming along nicely and he willingly practises both his scales and the pieces in the book. He’s only 20 pages away from finishing the first book.
Basic Information
We are working on the day before and the day after any given day. The months of the year is going well. All months have proper pronounciation now, and we’re working on the month before and after any given month. That’s coming slowly.
We practised the seasons, but he still needs help remembering them in French.
Printing words
We’re working on spacing and keeping the words on the bottom line. He really doesn’t care about spacing.

Counting objects/math-type activities
He missed four of the images in the middle of the worksheet, but was fine with adding them in when I pointed them out to him.

Math worksheets. He did them both on Monday morning because he was so excited to do them once again. He didn’t need my help, and calmly took my correction regarding which way the 7 was supposed to face on page 1.

We have no French library books this week, so he read some French books through Boukili.
Learn how to draw a box – despite Pegasus insisting that he already knew how to draw a box because his sister taught him, he sat down willingly enough to follow the instruction video. He didn’t want to erase the guidelines, which… it doesn’t really matter, right? He had fun, and that’s what this is about.

Make stop-motion movie – He took the pictures on Monday. Éric had him help with the set-up of the lighting. He did a much better job with the timing of the pictures this time, and only got my hand in the shot once. We recorded his voice on Wednesday, which was a lot of fun. He was willing to do several takes to get the voices just right (maximum 3 times unless it was really short) and had fun making his voice sound different to imitate the villain. Pegasus helped put the dialogue onto the frames of the pictures on Friday, and then recorded the music overtop on Saturday (delayed because Éric wasn’t feeling 100% this week).

Oh my heart! Go, Spideys!
Pegasus says “Thank you.”