Guitar Lessons Part 39

Feb 15: Learning app

I’m really glad I didn’t pay for the upgraded learning app, but wow are the free songs ever great.

I’m super impressed at how much quicker my fingers are moving already.

I played my songs and the French song. My voice cracked a couple times. My rhythms are getting better, imho.

I still haven’t come up with the theme for Assassins! Accidental Matchmakers. I’m trying not to stress about it.

Feb 16: Bleh

Today’s practice was not the best. Not the worst either, but not the best.

I fumbled over silly things in all 3 learning app songs.

I messed up chords in all 3 of my songs.

But the rhythms seemed to be good?

And I think I’ve figured out what I want to do for Kennedy’s theme for Assassins! Accidental Matchmakers. I’m going to come up with a chord progression for the background and a melody line for the foreground and record them both and overlap them. Since I don’t have lyrics, the melody line will work as the lyrics.

Now I just have to write them…

Feb 17: Stress

So stress is not a good thing when I’m trying to do my learning app. I did not do very well today. I kept making mistakes. Ridiculous ones that shouldn’t have happened.

I did better when playing my songs, at least, but I missed the Fmaj7 chord when I was trying to get into it from the D chord.

I really need to work on the D chords. Maybe I’ll go back to the learning app and redo the D chord songs.

Feb 18: Melodies

I have come to the conclusion that writing a melody is really hard.

I have the harmony. I’m using the chorus from the ballad, but without the capo and much slower. I thought that was fitting.

I practiced the learning app songs (went much better than yesterday) and my songs (also much better) and the French song.

Feb 19: Potential

I did very well on my learning app songs today. I even got 3 stars on two parts of the mountain king song!

I played my songs, but not the French song.

And then I tried to figure out a melody for Kennedy’s theme. I’m told it currently sounds too country. I’m going to have to fix that. Not sure how? But it has potential.

Feb 20: Accompaniment

I played my learning app songs today. The quickness of the mountain king song is getting more manageable, which is nice.

Then I played my songs. I tried recording myself playing the harmony (chords) for the theme and then playing the melody with my recording. It didn’t work very well. I played the harmony too fast for the melody and I was getting very frustrated.

Then my husband picked up his ukulele and played the harmony for me. It’s so much easier when someone is playing with you.

So I’m going to keep practicing both the harmony and the melody and try to figure out how to end it because it doesn’t really sound like it ends.

Oh, and my kids wanted to help, so we took out the mini uke and the bass uke and gave those to the kids. Very discordant and made it hard to work on our music, but they were so happy to all be making music together. Hopefully they’ll let us work on it alone some time later this week.

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