Garden help!

Hello My Imaginary Friends,

The temperatures are so cold I think I just saw Elsa and Jack Frost boarding a plane south.

So obviously my mind is turning to gardening. My old cedar box is both two low for my aging limbs and much too wide. I can’t bend over and weed without being in the darn thing. It’s also a little worse for wear after 8 years.

Our garden las year before the bugs and squirrels got to the zucchini.

I was thinking of getting something like the VegTrug, but they’re pretty pricey. I have about 4 metres along the fence and I will definitely have to have a cage over it. I plan on growing zucchini, beans, peas, garlic, dill, tomatoes, and maybe some rosemary and catnip.

Does anyone have any advice?

Thank you,


Making things comfortable

Hello My Imaginary Friends,

Before the pandemic I liked being at home. I had done a lot to make our home comfortable.

I am extremely lucky that my work has been continuous and that I have the privilege to work from home.

Unless my work situation changes, I’m lucky enough to be working from home for the foreseeable future. Because of that, I’ve found things that didn’t bother me before are bothering me now.

I’m proud of the things I’ve done to make my home more comfortable for this new Office/School/Home/Cinema situation.

So far since quarantine I’ve:

  • Cut new shelves for our cups and glasses
  • Measured and listed all our coffee/tea cups
  • Built new organizers
  • Upgraded my work computer screen
  • Re-organized our basement so that it can work as a video conference/recording area as well as gaming and watching tv
  • Rebuilt our Coffee store to include crochet and buttons
  • Organized the kitchen gadgets and put away those that I didn’t use

I also worked on our backyard. I’m not an outdoors person; I’m allergic to bugs and nature. Since we couldn’t take our kids to the park, I got a good deal on a play structure and some deck tiles so that they can play back there.

Then there’s the garden. I’ve been gardening for almost 6 years and frankly I suck at it. I’m doing my best to treat it as a hobby that makes pretty flowers. (Zucchini, pumpkin, and acorn squash have lovely yellow flowers.) So far, we’ve gotten a handful of cherry tomatoes (I thought the plant was supposed to give me full sized) 1 bean and a lot of rhubarb, chives, thyme, rosemary, and dill. My zucchini plants are all but dead. First the squirrels ate them, but then the squash bugs and squash burrowers decimated them. Hopefully the pumpkins will survive.

Next year I should really read a book or watch a tutorial on how to properly garden… maybe buy some chicken wire or something.

What have you done to make your living area more comfortable during quarantine?

Stay safe,
