Garden help!

Hello My Imaginary Friends,

The temperatures are so cold I think I just saw Elsa and Jack Frost boarding a plane south.

So obviously my mind is turning to gardening. My old cedar box is both two low for my aging limbs and much too wide. I can’t bend over and weed without being in the darn thing. It’s also a little worse for wear after 8 years.

Our garden las year before the bugs and squirrels got to the zucchini.

I was thinking of getting something like the VegTrug, but they’re pretty pricey. I have about 4 metres along the fence and I will definitely have to have a cage over it. I plan on growing zucchini, beans, peas, garlic, dill, tomatoes, and maybe some rosemary and catnip.

Does anyone have any advice?

Thank you,
