Hello my Imaginary Friends,
This could easily be an article about how to argue on the internet but it’s not. I’m here to teach you the valuable skill of arguing like a toddler.

5. Where is…
I was prepared to answer why, what, whom, and even how… but repeated instances of where, I wasn’t ready. Here’s the way it typically goes.
Dragon: Where is Granny?
Me: At home.
Dragon: Where is Granny home?
Me: Same place it always is.
Dragon: Where?
Me: *Says address*
Dragon: Where is that?
Me: If we go down the street and turn left it’s at the end of that street?
Dragon: I can’t see it. Can you show me?
The trick with this is to keep asking the same question no matter how absurd it sounds. Really throws people through a loop.
4. Scream louder
Trying to talk to my wife from another room is now followed by, “Don’t yell at MUM!” the same thing happens if my wife replies; “Don’t yell at PAPA!”
If I say something to her sternly my daughter sometimes counters with, “Don’t yell at me.” Then she yells louder over me, ignoring what I’m saying.
This is advanced, and definitely common online. The goal is to just keep saying what you’re saying while telling people to stop being mean.
3. Walk away and pout
When she knows she’s done something wrong but doesn’t want to admit it, she’ll pout and walk away. Stand in a corner or just glare at us from across the room.
Me: Please pick up your toys before dinner.
Dragon: No.
Me: Please pick up your toys.
Dragon: No.
Me: Now.
Dragon: *Walks away and pouts*
You wouldn’t think this was useful in adult life or online, but suddenly turning around and ignoring someone throws all the power to you for a small amount of time.
2. Ask again… and again and again
She normally does this if she really wants to eat or do something. She’ll say, “I NEED candy!” I’ll reply with, “Not now” or “no.” She then says, “Can I have candy?”, “Candy?”, or she’ll repeat I need. The less attention we pay to her the louder and more repetitive she gets.
This is similar to 4 but more insistent. When using it, make sure everyone knows what you want. Over and over again.
1. Because Yes/No
This is quite possibly the hardest possible thing to argue with.
Me: Why did you throw your teddy bear?
Dragon: Because Yes.
Dragon: I NEED orange!
Me: You just ate 2 oranges. Do you really need another one?
Dragon: Because yes?
Because Yes and Because No, will stop the conversation and make the other person question why they’re arguing with you. It’s a wonderful way to argue when you don’t really care about educating but really want to annoy.
Okay so arguing with a toddler is very similar to arguing online. I think I might start using #1.
Later days,