Sick and Serial Story

Hello Imaginary Friends,

I’ve been fighting a virus for the past few weeks. At least I think it’s a virus. I feel much better now but I’m still weak, ache-y, tired, and easily distracted.

I’m really hoping it’s a combination of sickness and allergies and not some sort of burnout. I burned out in the summer of my third year of university and it wasn’t a fun recovery. I suppose I should have realized that taking extra classes and working 40+ hours a week on 3 jobs would come back to bite me in the ass. This feels different though so I should be good.

Serial Story 2016

It’s a tie. 🙁

There are at least 3 people who’ve voted for both stories every poll. I’ve had comments about people wanting to read both stories.

I’m flattered that people are so invested in these stories.

So much for pawning my indecisions on you… I guess I have to choose.

Tune in next Thursday to see what story won out.


To your health!
