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Hello Cinephiles,
Today we’re talking about the made for TV movie from 1980 The Ghosts of Buxley Hall.

The story is pretty simple, but feels like it lacks depth. We don’t really get to know much about the characters backstories or motivations, beyond the ghosts. Even the “In Your Face” feminist story line feels a little flat.
It is however a nice linear story that follows through with its promises and foreshadowing.
Score: 0.5
This has all the stereotypes but made more human than I expected. The military man, the independent woman, the troubled boy, the troubled girl, the tough guy who doesn’t like kids, the bully, and the mad aunt who wants money.
They all have tender moments where their human side is shown. Unfortunately the cast is much too big for the movie. It means we are constantly moved between the kid’s story, the adult’s story, and the ghosts. Sometimes forgetting about one of the others.
Score: 0.5
The dialogue is pure 80’s and pure cheese. Most of the best lines are given by the Sargent or the general’s wife.
Score: 0
Visuals and Music
This movie might have been about ghosts but it could have seriously used some colour. The shots however are very well designed and clean. Both the music and the visuals are effective if not inspired.
Score: 0.5
This is a fun movie. You know everything will end well and you get a combination ghost story, coming of age, and boarding school story.
Score: 1
This is a fun fluffy movie that is now 40 years old and is showing it’s age. It’s not offensive but it’s definitely shallower than it could be. However, it is a lot of fun.
Final Score: 2.5 Stars