The People I’m proud of

Good Morning,

Today I’m going to gush a little.


My wife has started a new job, it’s a summer job that will go into part time while she finishes her degree but I’m very proud of her. She’s a Travel Agent with AJ Travel Canada. She’s a specialist in Fandom Travel and Special Needs Travel.

Please feel free to contact her starting in May for all your travel needs.

Fandom Travel Logo from
Fandom Travel Logo from


Another person in my life that is ridiculously talented is my brother. He’s an actor, director, screen writer.

He directed and played the joker in this fan film based off of Batman and Silence of the Lambs.

Here’s his writing and directing debut.


If it’s no obvious, I’m ridiculously proud of both my Wife and my Brother.


The Poll for my next serial story is still open.

Faeries Vs Robots Vs Aliens

An Urban Fantasy / Science Fiction, following a faery woman who must do one last job for her robot overlords before they let her go free. Can she stop the aliens from invading or would they be better than the robots?

Read the First Part

Only Human

A Supernatural Action/Romance, following a human girl who’s enrolled in Monster University in order to avenge her parents. Can she slay her new friends, keep up with classes, and avoid the cute demi-god that likes her?

Read the First Part

The Cosmic Cuckoos

A Science Fiction adventure, following a girl who is trying to save her friend from becoming just another clone warrior. Can a normal human girl really save her friend from the most powerful empire in the galaxy?

Read the First Part

What serial story should I continue this year?

  • Only Human (56%, 5 Votes)
  • The Cosmic Cuckoos (33%, 3 Votes)
  • Faeries Vs Robots Vs Aliens (11%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 9

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Latter days,
