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Hello Cinephiles,
Today we’re talking about the 2019 movie Frozen II.
*This was my second favourite movie of 2019*

This movie balances multiple story lines, deals with serious subjects, and manages to inject hope and humour.
The script is tight, there isn’t a lost word, scene, or moment. Everything is set up from the beginning without being so obvious as to ruin the reveals.
At it’s base it’s a standard hero’s journey with a JRPG style collecting element. That’s more of the structure, the actual story is about love, change, and how we handle difficult times.
There was just enough complexity to make it re-watchable and simple enough to keep all ages interested. Everything has multiple purposes in the story and it’s beautiful to see.
Score: 1
There are very few characters for such an epic story. Elsa, Anna, Olaf, and Kristoff/Sven each get a character arc that is both transformative and satisfying.
There’s a bit where Olaf recaps the first movie (As if we haven’t all seen it a million times) and it’s not about Olaf and the recap. It’s a shortcut to introduce us to the newest characters of Mattias and Yelena. It perfectly shows who they are and makes the audience love them, while breaking up the action, recaping, and making us laugh.
Elsa’s continued discovery of who she is flows well from the first movie and has great parallels for those of us who are different from the norm.
Anna’s struggle through trauma and depression not only make a great story they also give children a guide for how to deal with depression and horrible events.
Kristoff deals with his feelings of insecurity. Not about his love or himself, but about how she feels about him.
Olaf deals with growing up and the fear that not knowing brings.
Score: 1
The songs have some extremely powerful lines but the dialogue doesn’t slouch at being insightful and poignant. “I’m sorry Anna. You’re gonna have to do the next part on your own. Ok?” breaks me every time. Same with, “My love isn’t fragile.”
Of late I’ve seriously been feeling Olaf in this movie, especially the line, “We’re calling this ‘controlling what you can when things feel out of control'”.
Score: 1
Visuals and Music
The autumn aesthetic is stunning. The colours are vibrant and the animation is absolutely beautiful. I’m not an animation expert but the details in this were astounding.
Musically it was great. The songs are a staple of our house already. They are beautiful on their own but also move the narrative, foreshadow, and expand the story.
The score on it’s own is epic and is reminiscent of Lord of the Rings or the better superhero scores.
Score: 1
This was a beautiful movie both visually and as a story. It tries and succeeds to tackle serious subjects while breaking them down for younger audiences.
Most of all it’s hopeful, catchy, and fun.
Score: 1
If you’d asked me whether I thought a 2 hour movie could handle talking about growing up, depression, colonialism, and self-discovery, while having a positive message about love being a strong and stable element to life; I’d have said… Maybe but better to do it in a book. It’s staggering that they managed to do it in a movie and made it accessible to all ages.
With the use of short forms, animation, and musical elements they managed to do it all.
Final Score: 5*
*A 5 star review doesn’t mean the movie was perfect nor that it is perfect for everyone but it is a movie I believe is as close to perfect as possible.