Hello Coffee Lovers!

We had a blast at Virtual Nerd Con this past weekend and there are a few codes left. Each code was limited to 5 uses so hurry and get the coffee you want. Unfortunately, you can only use one code per order. (Square’s rules, not ours. Contact us if there’s a combo you want and we can try to work something out for you!)

The codes give you 30% Off a specific coffee.

  • MCC30 – Mint Chocolate Chip
  • CIN30 – Cinnamon
  • PCH30 – Peach
  • PPM30 – Peppermint
  • PMK30 – Pumpkin

Go forth and order coffee.

Now I need to go make myself some.

Be kind and caffeinate,


JenEric Designs NoCon Party and Sale

Hello Coffee, Book, Crochet, and Blush Fans,

Everything is cancelled so let’s have an ONLINE party!

Let’s celebrate JenEric Coffee, Blush, Éric Desmarais Author, and JenEric Crochet.

Everything is happening on the event page. Follow, Comment, Win, have fun, and Wash your hands.


7:00-7:30 – Coffee
7:30-8:00 – Blush
8:00-8:30 – Éric Desmarais Author
9:00-9:30 – Crochet and Travelling TARDIS

How things will proceed for each Topic

:00/:30 – Introduction of Topic with Questions and Answers
:10/:40 – Game
:15/:45 – Promotions of other fantastic businesses
:20/:50 – Reveal of product
:25/:55 – Announcing winner of Game


Hope to see you all there!


JenEric Coffee Boxing Week Sale

Hello Coffee lovers,

We have some left over 2017 coffee left over.

All leftover coffee is 50% off.

  • Large = $7.50
  • Medium = $4
  • Small = $2

Sale ends December 30th at 11:59pm.

Shipping is $15.

Fill in the form on the bottom of this page to order your coffee. First come, first served!

The following is a list of coffee that we have available:

3 medium
1 small

1 medium
2 small

1 large decaf
2 medium

1 medium

2 large
5 medium
4 small

9 medium

3 medium
6 small
1 small decaf

Mint chocolate chip
1 large
5 medium

    Your Telephone Number (Required)

    Renaissance Press

    My publisher Renaissance Press (and Eric’s, incidentally) is having a sale on all their love-oriented books and games for the entire month of February! If you haven’t picked up a copy of Blush yet, this would be a good time to do that!

    You can also see a complete list of all their published works here.

    Image taken from Renaissance Press's website
    Image taken from Renaissance Press’s website

    Jurassic TARDIS

    Travelling from Hogwarts to the Jurassic era, the TARDIS took a break in front of a velociraptor of sorts. Yikes!

    My Etsy store is having it’s 25% off for Cyber Monday sale. This ends tomorrow morning at 6am! Hurry to order to get your gifts before the Holidays!


    Just a reminder that everything in my store is going to be 25% off tomorrow for Black Friday!

    You can get cell phone cases that look like

    • a TARDIS
    • a Jayne hat
    • the four Star Trek badges
      • Command
      • Engineer
      • Medical
      • Science
        • The Science is not on my store site, as I have not made a prototype yet, but it is available by special order at no extra cost.
    You can also find
    • the stuffed TARDIS made infamous by this blog (smaller size)
    Check out my store today!


    In honour of the snow that is falling (and hopefully staying) on the ground today, my picture is of the Gryffindor snowman made in Hogsmeade. I have to say, it felt incredibly weird to be SO hot in Florida, but to be surrounded by snow in Hogsmeade.

    I also have an announcement to make! This Friday, I will be cutting my prices in my store by 25%, in honour of Black Friday. I may keep the prices cut until Cyber Monday, but that depends on many factors.
    Tell all your friends! Black Friday sale 25% off!!!