Week 8 – Hocus Pocus

Yet another movie that I did not watch in childhood. This one is a tad bit scarier for younger kids, and lots of fun for adults.

Here is the link for the downloadable materials. (Again, please let me know if you have any problems so I can fix it!)

Watch movieelephant toothpastepumpkin carvingLearn about SamhainFlex
Summary of the week

Daily details:


Ballet and martial arts on alternate days


Singing, listening to different pieces, learning piano


The project she is working on (currently she is making herself a poncho)

Basic Information

We talk about the days of the week and play games with the cutouts of the names. We do the same thing with the names of the months of the year. You can find the print-outs here.

Printing words

Download materials

Counting objects/math-type activities

Practice counting objects and writing how many of each type – in download materials

Count pumpkin seeds after cleaning them

Count candy packages and group them (do some subtraction)



Experiment: elephant toothpaste (link to experiment) ingredient list[JD1] 

Pumpkin carving: pick stencil and draw it on pumpkin, help scoop seeds (adult do carving)

Learn about Samhain (link to worksheets)

Next week: Coco

  1. [JD1]Ingredients for Elephant Toothpaste Experiment:
  1. A clean 16-oz plastic soda bottle.
  2. 1/2 cup 20-volume hydrogen peroxide liquid (20-volume is a 6% solution; you can get this from a beauty supply store or hair salon)
  3. 1 Tablespoon (one packet) of dry yeast.
  4. 3 Tablespoons of warm water.
  5. Liquid dishwashing soap.
  6. Food coloring.
  7. Small cup.
  8. Safety goggles.

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