Éric’s 2025 New Year’s Resolutions

Hello my friends, Family, and Fans;

Typing in 2025 feels like I’m writting some far off date not the actual year. Not sure I’m in love with the future as it is but let’s concentrate on the things that we can control.

This year, I’m going to be extra ambitious with my resolutions. (Quick reminder, my resolutions are goals that are meant to push me.)

A kids slide with a web across the bottom and two spiders on it. The caption reads, "If we pull this off, we'll eat like kings."

1. Write The Hounds of Bakerville

I have a basic outline and I’m going to start re-reading the first four to get back into it. It’s kind of exciting to be working on the penultimate book in the series.

2. Write a serial story

I’m not sure what I’m writing this year, but I will try to get a 1000 word chapter out each month. This is going to be the twelfth year I do it.

3. Master 1 song on the ukulele and record it.

I wrote a song for Elizabeth 4 and set up the chords, but between the colds and the medical issues, I didn’t get really good at it. I’m going to do my best to get good enough to record it.

4. Read at least 12 books

Last year I crushed my reading challenge and I’m hoping I can do the same this year. 12 might not sound ambitious but it is.

5. Build my new book nook and lego

Three years ago for Christmas I got a Magical Cafe book nook. Over the three years I’ve made it to page 17 of 40ish I think. There’s so much painting and gluing and it’s really hard. This year, my sister in-law took pity and got me another one that doesn’t need the paint or the glue. Maybe this will help build my confidence.

I also got an epic Van Gogh’s Starry Night LEGO set. It has a lot of pieces.

6. Feel less guilty

2024 was a busy year and now that I’m feeling better, I have more time that isn’t just for recovering. I’m having trouble taking that time for me and not feeling bad about it. It’s not selfish to read, it’s not selfish to watch a show on my own, it’s not selfish to do things for me. I know that, but I’m having trouble shutting up the little voice in my head.

7. Design and deploy a new coffee flavour for Ottawa Comic Con in September

I have an idea what it’s going to be, so this should be easy.

8. Plan and plot out the first in a cozy mystery series

I have this idea for a series of short cozy mysteries. The hope is to make them around 40 thousand words and just have fun. It would also give me the chance to play around with self-publishing. The idea would be to write this after Elizabeth 5 before I jump right into the final book.

9. Organize a massive birthday party and book release

This one scares me, but I want to do a joint book release* with Jen this summer. (By the way you should totally check out her cover reveal for Winging It!)

*More details in a future post.

10. Keep fighting to learn more about myself and how to make my life easier

I have learned a lot about my body and mind this year, and I know I have a lot of work, both to improve my health and to accept what and who I am. More details in a future post.

I hope that everyone has a productive, healthy, and good 2025.
