2020 JenEric Movie Reviews

Hello Movie Lovers,

This year I seem to have watched, and reviewed, 73 films. Wow. Below is a list of them in decending star order. Within each catergory they are in alphabetical order.

5 Stars out of 5

4.5 Stars out of 5

4 Stars out of 5

3.5 Stars out of 5

3 Stars out of 5

2.5 Stars out of 5

2 Stars out of 5

1.5 Stars out of 5

1 Stars out of 5

0.5 Stars out of 5

What do you think? Do you disagree on any films?


Week 13 – Arthur Christmas Results

Despite a later night than usual, and us forgetting to wake the Dragon earlier on Monday morning, Tuesday virtual school went incredibly well.

Dragon sang the Bonjour song, answered combien de jours dans la semaine, and also answered combien de mois dans l’année (although did not answer in a complete sentence, so we will work on that). They listened to a new (to us) seasons song, which we really enjoyed.

They learned about the letter V today, and they wrote some words that started with V. She not only wrote the words on the screen, but she wrote three whole sentences. “V comme volcan”, “V comme vélo”, and “V comme verre”.

After recess, we were read a book about the seasons, and the kids were asked what their favourite seasons are. Dragon said automne, because of pommes and jumping in leaves.

After lunch, they did math. They started reading a book about a cat that likes math, but then the lesson got sidetracked (in a very good way) when the teachers asked the kids to get multiple objects from their house (blocks, cars, etc) to do math with. To hurry Dragon along in her choice, I gave her three options: blocks, dominos, or the playdough jars. She chose crayons, which was better than her eying our bookcases and wanting to pick out multiple toys (which we usually do during homeschool lessons). Mme Houria had her count out her crayons and I had to stifle a laugh because there are a lot of crayons in her little cup. Dragon got to 10 and Mme Houria tried to get her to stop there, but Dragon didn’t hear her and powered on all the way up to 20 (with a tiny bit of help with the first sound of the numbers 15, 16, and 20 – again, we’re working on those this week, but I already knew we had to). At 20, Mme Houria managed to stop her, mostly because Dragon doesn’t know how to count higher than that yet! Then, she was asked to remove 4, and count how many were left. I think the teachers were impressed that she was counting so high, but I’m not sure if they heard my slight assistance (PS Mme Samaké, I’m calling myself out here!).

Then they got to present, and Dragon started off by presenting her witch’s hat. She did an excellent job with her French, calling it a chapeau de sorcière. She was asked quelle couleur, and she said mauve without hesitation. She was then asked if there was a V dans mauve, and she thought about it and then said oui! (Yay for answering in French!) Then she presented her petit frère, who was super cute and kept trying to put her hat back on her head. She was asked how old he is, and she needed help with that because she didn’t know (17 months). Then she listened to everyone else’s presentations (with a slight bit of impatience and sadness when she had a question for one of the kids but nobody saw her hand was up).

Homeschool was a lot of fun this week. We baked a lot of cookies…and will be making more in two weeks (possibly more next week as well, but it won’t be school related).


She did ballet 2-3 times this week.


Her letters are doing well. She didn’t learn anything new. She reviewed counting and clapping and was perfect. They did all three pieces that she already knew, including A and E, and she did them no problem, and the long piece without E and A and she did very well. No new pieces because she wanted to help decorate the house. However, she did get to play chop sticks and Jingle bells with major assistance.

We listened to French Christmas music this week. (obviously)


We did not do crocheting this week, as she wanted to make more cookies. I can’t say no.

Basic Information

Working on the days of the week verbally is going well. She remembers without prompting, and can tell me the day before and the day after any given day. The months of the year is also going excellently. All months have proper pronounciation now, and we’re working on the month before and after any given month. (Except on Friday, she seemed to have forgotten Juin, Juillet, and Août all of a sudden.)

The saisons de l’année are now memorized, including printemps. We’re working on how each of them feel and the types of things we can do during each of them.

Printing words

We did the first sheet on Thursday and the second on Friday. Thursday was not a good day. Friday was not much better, but there were no tears, at least. Some of her letters look much better, others…less so.

Counting objects/math-type activities

She seems to be struggling with printing her numbers, which I find odd.

Her verbal counting in French is going well. She’s fairly consistent up to 14, then needs help with 15-16-17, can get 18 and 19, but needs helps with 20. I’m happy with her progress.

We did some math with shapes, and then made a complicated suite (pattern).


We read stories from the teacher’s outline that was sent to us on Monday. She enjoyed that, and we will continue to do it next week.

We’ve also started watching Vampirina in French on Disney Plus, one episode a day. Dragon is enjoying it immensely, and is even recognizing some words!


Write letter to Santa – she has been SO excited to write her letter to Santa. We’ve been discussing what she would ask for since mid-November (possibly earlier). Santa connected to our printer on Sunday night, when I printed the rest of her paperwork. She filled it out on Monday and I uploaded it back to him.

Geography – we played with a kid’s geography app on my phone. It had images of major landmarks for different countries as puzzles, as well as an image of each country’s flag, and a mini game for each country’s food. No pictures of this activity because I was using my phone lol

Bake cookies – this week, we made three family recipe cookies (my grandmother’s). Scottish shortbread, butter buds, and Swedish tea rings (with some homemade jam that Éric made). Dragon was very patient with rolling the dough into balls, and even managed to make them all the same size (and larger than the butter buds) for the tea rings (to have enough space for the jam).

Arthur Christmas – JenEric Movie Review

How This Works – Read Other Reviews

Hello Cinephiles,

Today we’re talking about the 2011 film Arthur Christmas.


Oh angsty Christmas. This movie is well thought out both as a comedy and drama. The world building is both enormous in scale and efficiently done.

Score: 0.5


With the exception of Bryony and Mrs. Claus, I find the majority of the characters annoying. It’s not a flaw of the writing, but more a necessity for the character’s growth. That doesn’t mean I don’t spend a large portion of the movie stopping myself from yelling at the screen.

Score: 0.5


Extremely well acted with unique vocal traits and some great lines. Overall the dialogue is smart, well thought out, and very funny.

I’ve watched this now in Quebec French and in English and both are fantastic.

Score: 1

Visuals and Music

The animation is starting to show it’s age but is still impressive. Lots of background visual gags and the whole thing is quite pretty.

The music is acceptable but nothing special.

Score: 0.5


I enjoy the movie and I don’t. It’s a lot of angst and a lot of awkward but it does end all nice and fuzzy. There’s also a lot of fun and funny bits.

Score: 0.5


A Christmas story that revels in it’s worldbuilding without getting boring. The characters grow and angst their way through a heartwarming story with plenty of laughs.

Final Score: 3 Star out of 5

Week 13 – Arthur Christmas

Although next Monday is still November, the rest of the week is in December, so we are starting Christmas activities! You may, of course, substitute your own personal holiday traditions in place of ours. I would love to hear about them!

Here is the link for the downloadable materials. (Again, please let me know if you have any problems so I can fix it!)

Watch movieWrite letter to SantaGeographyBake cookiesFlex
Summary of the week

Daily details:


Ballet and martial arts on alternate days


Singing, listening to different pieces, learning piano


The project she is working on (currently she is making herself a poncho)

Basic Information

We talk about the days of the week and play games with the cutouts of the names. We do the same thing with the names of the months of the year. You can find the print-outs here.

Printing words

Download materials

Counting objects/math-type activities

Practice counting objects and writing how many of each type – in download materials

Count and sort Christmas tags

Count and group Christmas tree decorations



Write letter to Santa (link to letter template)

Geography – app, map, Atlas, activity

Bake cookies

Next week: A Very Merry Pooh Year!