Toothless and Stitch

A LOT of art picture Toothless and Stitch together, getting into mischief. So when I found out that Vic Putinski (@incaseyouart on most social media, her store can be found here) was going to wear her new Toothless onesie to Ottawa Comic Con Holiday Edition 2019, of course I immediately planned to put my baby Pegasus in his Stitch onesie so I could get their picture together.

He kept wanting to look at her, which made for a difficult picture session!

Dragon at Comiccon 2019

Hello My Imaginary Friends,

This was Dragon’s third Comiccon and she had a blast! (Read about last year here)

She spent this year playing with her new (they were actually her mum’s) Fisher Price Little People, hanging out with Vic, Aunt Lindsay, Modryb Sonia, and all the other wonderful people who vend around us.

Her favourite thing to do was stand on the cooler and “help” me sell coffee. Other things she enjoyed include:

  • Playing in the wagon
  • Hanging out with Vic, Lindsay, S. M. Carrière, Madona Skaff, and Grannie.
  • Walking around the Con floor
  • Fries
  • Pepperoni Sticks
  • Saying hello to everyone
  • Getting her face painted by Paint Me Playful – Face and Body Painting

The two big highlights for her were Daleks and amazing cosplayers. (Tinkerbell by Princess of the North, Sailors Moon and Venus by Mysticfae, and Rapunzel and Eugene by East Coast Speedster)

Dragon had another great year at Ottawa ComicCon.

Thank you to everyone who interacted with her and helped us this year.


Tumblr Keith and Lance

These two show up often on my blog. No apologies here. They worked hard on their costumes! Keith (@incaseyouart) and Lance (@gilove2dance) – links to their twitters

The flower crown that Keith is wearing is a Tumblr thing.

Voltron Season 8

Season 8 is available on Netflix TODAY! Final season :'(

Keith (@incaseyouart), Pidge, and Lance (@Gilove2dance) marveling at the TARDIS. Outfits from Wittyy_name‘s fic Shut Up and Dance, art by wolfpainters.

Keith and Lance

Keith (@incaseyouart) and Lance (@Gilove2dance) dance to Keone and Mari’s routine “Could” by Elderbrook. The TARDIS makes a special appearance.

Inspiration for the coplays from a fanfiction called Shut Up and Dance With Me by wittyy_name on AO3 with art by wolfpainters on Tumblr. Please note, you must be over 18 to read this.

Dance Klance

Keith (@incaseyouart, Tumblr) and Lance (@Gilove2dance, Tumblr), from Voltron, as dancers! (Specifically from a fanfiction called Shut Up and Dance With Me by wittyy_name on AO3 with art by wolfpainters on Tumblr. Please note, you must be over 18 to read this.) This pose is from the beginning of the dance (choreographed by Keone and Mariel) to the song “Could” by Elderbrook.

Lance, Keith, and Winnie the Pooh?

Given that Lance (@gilove2dance) and Keith (@incaseyouart) jumped into an alien ship in their show Voltron: Legendary Defender (on Netflix now!), I think they would probably love to travel with the Doctor…especially since he can bring them home at any time.

But what is Winnie the Pooh doing there? (Dragon didn’t want to leave her favourite person: Keith)